Hope's Story: Chapter 1- Turns for the Worse of Hope

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CHAPTER 1: Turns For The Worse of Hope

"Hope Grace'Ann Mcgee" her mother yelled from her bedroom, "if you don’t hurry yo butt up". 10 year old Hope placed all the food on the tray and rushed to her mother’s room, making sure she didn't spill anything. "I'm sorry mommy, I almost forgot something for you to drink" she sat they tray of food on her mother’s lap. "Yeah, your always freakin' sorry. Change the channel; I'm sick of watching the news. Hope tried carefully to walk to the television trying not to knock over her mother’s drug table she had right in front of it. "You knock my stash over and I promise to God you'll go without food and daylight until next winter" her mother barked with food in her mouth. Knowing how serious she was Hope carefully moved around the table to get to the TV. "Change it to BET" her mother threw a piece of toast at her. As soon as she was about to leave, her mother’s boyfriend Allen came in the room. "I'm sorry Allen" she flinched, Allen was like a giant compared to Hope and her mother, which made Hope even more scared of him. "It's cool. Just get the food from your mother, we need to talk" he began to take off his shoes. "I just started eating Al" her mother almost threw the tray of unfinished food at Hope. "I don't care I want some of that ass, I mean I need to talk to you" he climbed in to the bed. Hope rushed out of the room and into hers. It wasn't long until she heard her mother’s bed knocking against the wall. "I hate this place" she began to cry as she ate her mother’s unfinished breakfast. 

Hope Mcgee lived with her mother Tina Johnson and her boyfriend for the time being, Allen. She first lived with her father and siblings in Florida, life for her there was like a fairytale. Her family lived in a mansion right on the coast of Orlando. She had her own room, bathroom, and even playroom! Her father, Rick Mcgee, was on the board of directors of Disney World, so Hope, her 7 siblings, and their friends would get to go to Disney World without any hassle! But as soon as the company expanded to doing cruises too, her father was more busy than usual. There would be months Hope and her siblings would go without seeing him. "You guys need a mother in your life. So I'm sending you to live with your mothers" he said at Christmas dinner. Out of all of her siblings, Hope was the only one who didn't know her mother and was the last to leave the fabulous mansion. "But daddy, I promise I'll be good! I'll stay out of trouble, just don't make me leave" she grabbed his leg. He picked her up, this was the first time Hope seen her father crying tears of sadness. "I'm sorry baby girl, but now of days I'm barely home. That’s not fair to you guys" he tried to kiss his youngest on the cheek but she moved away and tried to wiggle out of his arms. He saw there was nothing convincing her that this was for her own good. "It's not fair you're sending me to a stranger" she pouted and crossed her arms. The limo finally pulled up to the door, and out stepped a model shaped lady. "Hi baby girl" she smiled. Tina Johnson had never got the chance to see her one and only child. At Hope's birth, she gave up her parental rights to her leaving her on the Mcgee’s doorstep with nothing but a note and her birth certificate. Hope hid behind her father, this wasn't fair at all. "Hello Ms. Johnson. Hope this is your mother" he picked her up as she still tried to hide from the lady. "Really Rick, do you have to be so formal" she smiled as she stepped closer. "Well, you chose not to be there for me" he said sternly. Hope knew her father didn’t like her so-called mother too much, because the only time she herd his voice in that tone was while he was making a business call. Rick walked passed Tina, and placed his daughter in the limo. "DADDY, NO!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DONT MAKE ME LEAVE" Hope cried heavily. Her tears fell like waterfalls down his eyes, "I'm sorry baby girl, but trust me it’s just for a little while" he kissed her face. Rick wiped the tears from his face, "You do her right and give her what she deserves, and that's opportunities and them some" he grabbed Tina's arm harshly. She snatched her arm back but could not lose his grip, "I'm serious Tina! You better not screw my daughter up". "She's my daughter too" she snapped back and slammed the limo door. "DADDY" screamed Hope as the limo pulled off to her new life. 

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