Love Is The Strangest Thing - (a phanfiction)

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"Dan," Phil muttered, half asleep.

"Dan, you have to wake up." Phil giggled slightly when those brown eyes looked at him, and were hidden by his eyelids once again, and he rolled over facing opposite of his best friend.

"Dan, get up! C'mon!", he said as he shook Dan's arm softly.

Finally, he got a response from his sleepy friend,

"Aren't we going to meet Peej at the cafe tonight for dinner?"

"Yeah! Now, C'mon! Get up!" Phil never struggled with Dan this much. But before Phil would start to over-think it, Dan explained why he was more sluggish than usual. Well, kind of. He sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes.

"I barely slept last night."

"Well, do you know why?" Phil asked.

"Tumblr, Phil. Tumblr." Phil laughed and told him that he wasn't surprised.

"How about you," Dan asked, "How'd you sleep?"

"I slept okay. I was on twitter till about 2:00."

"Weak." Dan teased the man-child.

"Just get up and eat your breakfast," Phil said, laughing and getting out of his room and into his room to get dressed.

So, soon enough, Dan got out of bed and into the kitchen. He got out a bowl from the cabinet, expecting there to be cereal.

"There's nothing to eat for breakfast," Dan told Phil, with an empty bowl in his hand.

"Then I guess I'll go to the grocery store," Phil said whilst putting his coat on and tying his shoes, "I'll be back in a few."

"Wait," Dan exclaimed before Phil could even turn the doorknob, "I'll go with you. Let me get dressed." He put down the bowl and headed toward his room.

"You don't have-"

"I'll be just a minute, okay?" Dan told Phil, cutting him off. Phil was surprised that he was so hung up on going to the store with him. And maybe a little charmed. But, he pushed those thoughts aside when he thought that maybe Dan just didn't want him to go alone.

Before Phil could over-think it anymore, Dan was all dressed and ready to leave. "Ready?" he asked.

"Um, yeah, let's go," Phil was trying to hide his face as much as he could without making it look like something was wrong. He was blushing.

"You okay?" Dan asked, putting his hand on Phil's shoulder, which made him blush even more. Dan didn't have the slightest idea as to what was wrong with him. Phil didn't want to blush. He knew Dan was his friend and that was it. That was all it would ever be.

"Yeah, I'm alright," Phil told his hazel-eyed friend, "let's go!" Dan was at ease once again when he saw his friend smile. He loved to see his cute, charming smile.

They got home, prepared their breakfast and got on the internet. After a couple minutes, Dan thought it would be a good idea to call PJ to see if they were still on for tonight.

"Hey Peej.

I'm fine, how are you?

Good, good. Well, I was calling to see if you were still able to go tonight.

Oh, I see.

Well, I hope everything's okay.

I'll talk to you soon.


Phil overheard the conversation coming from Dan's room. But, before Phil could ask any questions as to what happened, Dan came in and told him.

"Unfortunately, he can't go because he got sick," Dan told Phil with a bit of sorrow in his voice, "so I guess it's just gonna be you and me tonight."

"Oh. That sucks," Phil lied. He actually quite liked the idea of just the two of them at the cafe. It'd be quite nice.

"Yeah," Dan sighed. But maybe Dan thought the same thing. You know, just him and Phil, at the cafe. Kind of like an unannounced date. He, too, thought it'd be quite nice.

Phil thought about his feelings toward Dan.

A lot.

He thought about it so much that it was beginning to drive him a little mad. He thought it'd be a good idea to go to his room and figure everything out. So he did. He went into his room, shut the door, sat on his bed and thought.

'What if I do like Dan? What would everybody say? What would he say?'

'No, no, no! I can't like Dan. I'm straight! And so is he!'

'Maybe Dan does like me. He did insist on going to the grocery store with me.'

'What on earth am I thinking?? No! He's straight and so am I. That's final.'

'Well, I don't particularly know if he's straight. Maybe he's not.'

"Damn it," Phil thought aloud. He was very frustrated. He was angry. Very angry. He was angry only at himself. He began to swear and beat around things in his room. This caused quite the noise, so Dan knocked on the door.

"Phil? May I come in?" The sound of Dan's voice calmed him down. "Yeah."

"What the hell is going on in here?" Dan asked when he saw the furniture scattered about the room. "Nothing," Phil obviously lied.

"Really? Well, then what's all of this?"

"I dunno, Dan! Why does it matter to you anyway? What's the big deal? Why do you care so much? I wouldn't, if I were you." His voice became louder and louder as he yelled at Dan.

"Calm down, Phil!" Dan exclaimed, he's very worried about Phil, "What do you mean, 'Why do I care about you?' I care about you because you're my best friend. And it matters to me because I care about you and I don't want you to be sad or depressed. There, happy?"

Phil's face flushed at the sound of Dan telling him how much he cared about him. He felt like he could walk on air. "I'm sorry, Dan. I really am. I'm just not sure about myself right now." Phil sighed and fell on to his bed with his hands over his face.


hey guys. c: i hope you're enjoying this. i might not update for a while but i'll try to whenever i get the chance.




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2014 ⏰

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