Chapter 2 The Second Angel

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You slowly begin to open your eyes and see the boys surrounding you. "W-w-hat happened?" "You passed out. We were really worried. Glad you're okay though." Harry says offering his hand out to pick you up.

"Don't scare us like that(y/n)" Niall says in a panicked voice. "Wait. What do you mean? I was here the whole time. I saw you guys standing there. Liam was here to. He just left." Louis and Zayn look at each other in confusion. "W-what are you t-talking about?" Louis asked with a partial stutter. "HE WAS HERE. I SWEAR. IM NOT CRAZY," you start to scream as Zayn holds you in comfort, as he hardly has the strength to say it, quickly says, "He's gone (y /n)... sorry but its true." a few moments go by until you stand up and say " I understand now. He's gone. He's no longer mine. I can never hold him again. Or feel his strong arms wrap around me. or his soft smooth lips. or his strong, yet tender hands on my back. He'll never be able to love me again... and I accept that. its hard but I'll live..." The boys smile with tears in their eyes. Niall holds your hand and says "I'm sorry. we love you. We'll always be here but I'm so happy you understand. Its going to be hard the first few weeks but it will get easier." "Thanks you guys," you say " but I'm kind of tired. good night boys. I love you... and I'm sorry." They all look puzzled. "Sorry for what?" Harry says as you close your door. "Well we should get some sleep. its late." The boys wake up the next morning at 9:00, the usual, and lately you've waken up but you're were out of sight. Louis goes to check your room. As he pushes against your door it doesn't budge. He uses all his strength and breaks the door frame to reveal your body. Blood surrounds you. He screams out for the boys but no sound comes out. he just sobs. Harry finnaly hears the sobs and comes running into the room. "(Y/N)!BOYS! BOYS! COME HERE. NOW! SHE'S... D-D-DEAD. SHE KILLED HERSELF. WHY? PLEASE GOD. JUST TELL ME WHY."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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