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The streets of Dallas were packed with literally screaming people who were anxiously awaiting the arrival of the President.

One girl was not so happy.

Shira Wind wore a sleeveless green shirt with adorned yellow crystals.She was scowling.She turned on her com and said into the com,"Oswald,he's coming your way."

She sensed the satisfaction in the man's tone."Excellent.Get ready to shoot."

She grinned,a sick twisted grin."With pleasure."She rudely cut him off.

She was hiding behind the grassy knoll area.She pulled a shotgun and aimed it at the small creak.She could see perfect from here.No one would get in her way of killing the President.She was sure of that.

Shira cocked her head,listening for any sounds.She glanced at her watch.What is taking Oswald so long?she thought.We have to kill Kenendy!

She perked her ears up as she heard a gunshot.A grin settled across her face.She slammed the pistol into the firing position and glanced out the window...

What she saw shocked her.

Governor Connally's head was a bloody mess.She wanted to scream,"That's not your target,Oswald!"but she kept her mouth shut.She took one look at the Presidnet.Anger and hate swelled in her veins.She saw no blood.Not even a tiny prick of it.

Seething wjth rage,she raised the pistol,firing it from her hiding place.One glance told her she'd missed and she had to get the way out of there before the police made a beeline for her.

Shira dropped the gun and fled.

Officer Tyler Adams stared in shock at the mayhem in front of him.

Governor Connally's head was a mess of brains and blood.He wanted to throw up.Puke if he could.

The President,on the other hand,had risen in shock.Anger seethed in his once calm green eyes.

Tyler streaked across the street.People were screaming.Some were cowering on the ground.

Tyler's light blue eyes settled on the President."Are you alight,Sir?"he asked.

The President's glare turned gentle."I am.Tell your boss,we're going to the hospital.If you can,find that person."

Tyler didn't have to ask who.He snapped a salute."Yes,Sir!"Without waiting for a reply,he took off.

He stopped in front of one of the officers captain.The leader was murmuring,"His head just flew to pieces.He won't make it."

"Sir?"said Tyler.

The man turned,regarding him.A smile broke over his face.

"Hey,Ty!How's it going?"

"The President's going to the hospital.He won't be back,I'm guessing.We need to find those killers."

"They're gone,"snarked the second officer.

"No they're not,"Tyler snapped."We'll find them.The President will decide what to do with them."

"Kill them,I hope?"sneered the same officer.

Tyler shot the man a look of annoyance.He didn't like him.It was clear.

The captain waved his hand."Enough.Let's find these killers."

Tyler smirked,satisfied.But the smirk faded from his eyes as he remembered the President's near death.

The U.S had changed.It was a deep dark place where no one could be trusted...

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Real life

John F. Kennedy (1917-2007) this story)

If Kennedy Lived: An Alternate HistoryWhere stories live. Discover now