11/22/63 Ch.8

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Day:November 26,1963


Time:9:21 pm

"So let me get this straight."DarkSky looked at Talon in the eye,hoping that he looked a lot less afraid then she was.Something about the Dark Warrior's presence terrified the young American Warrior,and the missing arms and glowing green eyes didn't help matters."You're planning to destory the White House,and you'll spare me as long as I don't do anything to stop you or warn them?And you're also tellimg em that the Dark Lord is offering mw the power to achieve anything that I might want if I join him?"

"Yes,"Talon replied,her pale lips creased into a knowing smirk."Although I do not agreee with My Lord,I am to convey his offer,and to act as his agent regarding your answer.And it s only fair that I warn you,neither of us are known well for taking refusal well..."

DarkSky paused,consedring her choice,or lack of thereof."All right,"she agreed after a moment."I'm in,but on one promise:there's one man that isn't to be harmed.His name is Robert Kennedy,he's tan with a slender body and green eyes,and he's the president's brother.Agree to spare him and I'm yours."

"Done."Talon exteneded her cloaked hand,making a mental note that if she did see Bobby she would be certain to give him a slow painful death.DarkSky took the handshake,and began to show Talon the best side to attack the White House from,explaning that within the woods and streets being so thick that there few guards posted.Afterwards,the woman turned for the door.

"And just where do you think you're going?"two guards grabbed DarkSky by the shoulders and turned her to face Talon."Call me paranoid,but I'd feel much better if you wenre't wandering off on your own.After all,it would quite a shame for something to happen to you.Why don't you come with me?"

Talon motioned,and the guards released DarkSky,but stayed on either side of her,ready to move should the warrior try anything.Talon led the way out of the room,to a balcony overlooking the fortress courtyard.DarkSky looked down at the nearly 600 Cuban Soldiers gathered to hear their queen speak.

"My people!"Talon bellowed."Tonight,we strike once again at our hated enemies,the accused Amercans and their allies!We will fall upon them like a hurricane,devestating and without warning.Our Lord has decreed that the White House be wiped from existance,and that our enemies perish.Hear this:I want the President and the First Lady brought to me alive.Kill anything else that moves!"

DarkSky yelled over the roar of the crowd below."What about Bobby?We had a deal,Talon!"

The Dark Warrior backhanded DarkSky,sending the American citizen sprawling."You think I care about some boy slut?I'm in charge here,scum;if you've got a problem with that,take it to the Master."DarkSky launched herself into the air.

Assassin aimed an arrow at the fleeing woman, but Talonpushed hersecond-in-command's arm down. "Let him go; it's not like he can stop us." Talon chuckled, smiling wickedly. "Besides, this way we can say that he was killed by mistake during the battle."


Jack walked down the forest trail, lost in thought. It just wasn't right; Jackie had been through so much already, and Bobby would have been willing to fight her alone to defend the village. They didn't deserve to be thrown in jail...

Something overhead caught his eye, and he looked up to see a large bat gliding through the night sky. Huh, must be pretty late if the bats are starting to come out. I'd better get back and get some rest; the next couple of days are going to be hard enough without me being half-asleep. It hadn't helped the situation that more than a few people heard him say that he didn't want to fight Dark Jackie and while it seemed like he was still thought of as a hero, perhaps even more so now that he had been seen fighting against one of the Dark Lord's servants, it was surprisingly draining to be under so much scrutiny.

Jack turned around and was about to head back to the village when a high, keening wail reached his ears. "Cubans!" he looked up and saw at least a dozen of the batlike creatures winging their way through the sky, headed towards the village. Judging by the telltale lumps, each of the beasts had at least one soldier mounted on it. "I have to warn someone!" The young warrior had only gone a few steps, however, before he heard a flapping of wings and a thud as a dreadwing landed behind him. Jack let out a challenging snarl and spun around to face his attacker when he heard a familiar voice...one that filled him with dread.

"It's been a long time, dragon." Talon leapt down from his mount, her eye gleaming.

"No, it can't be!" Jack stared fixedly at his former friend trying to disbelieve what he was seeing. "You're dead!" But it was true; Talon, very much alive, towered over the handsome preisdent, leering down at her foe.

"Then you must already be in Hell, whelpling!" Laughing, Talon drew her large scimitar. Raising the sword over his head, she glared pure hatred at Jack. "I just had a wonderful idea. I think I'll kill you here and now, then show your body to Jackie before I finish her!"

The American president stood rooted to the spot as the blade flashed down, shining in the moonlight like lightning...

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