The Italien Angel Returns

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A/N: who can guess what the title means? ^_^ leave a comment before reading further.

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After about an hour of teaching Tony how to make pancakes, the others trailed in one by one. They tried the pancakes and praised me for them. If only blue pancakes was a normal food... Last of all Nick Fury arrived and i announced that i was joining the avengers. There were cheers and drinks that rose after that. It turns out that the avengers don't do much when there's no one to avenge. First we played Call of Duty, i was pretty good with battle strategies. Then me and Steve arm wrestled, which took a while since he wanted to rematch every time he lost. We played trivia, which i didn't to well on the educational side. We did some swordplay, i played against their hired professional and won every time - not to brag. Natasha eyed my sword since it glowed, it was greek, and it wasn't from their weapons section. Through all of this they led me to believe we were just having innocent banter, but i knew that they were testing my abilities (i got the hint from Nick sitting  in the corner taking notes every where we went - much stealth).

At lunch we stopped for a break and Nick went off to take care of some business, still keeping contact. I was eating a sandwich when Nico Di Angelo shadow travelled into the room, swivelled my spinny barstool around, and hit me. Hard. In the face.

"Oh my gods! Perce where the Hades have you been?"

"Neeks, i can explai-"

"No. You could have been safe at camp but you decided to run off and make friends with a god and some mortals. Percy, we could have helped you!"

"Mortals?! Hang on a minute: Security breach! Jarvis?" Tony yelled.

"Sorry sir," Nico drew his Stygian iron sword at the sound of the disembodied voice. "But it seems he just walked out of the shadows." JARVIS replied.

Nico and i smiled as he put his blade back in his belt, the other avengers were taken aback - apart from Thor who stifled a squeal and bowed to Nico.

"Thor stand up. Nico, Thor is protecting me and i'm fine. You, on the other hand, don't look fine." I recognised how pale he really was - even more than usual.

"I'm fine, i can control it now." Neeks snapped.

"Anyway, my friends can help us with what uncle told us . . . Are you sure you're okay?" I held out my arms, his eyes rolled up into his head and he collapsed, as if on cue, into my arms. "Is there an infirmary here?"

"Yes. I can carry the him." Thor offered, bundling the son of Hades into his arms. I followed Thor to the infirmiry, the others also followed with lots of questions.

"Who is he?"

"Nico Di Angelo, my cousin on my dad's side."

"How did he get in?"

"He's . . . Very good at keeping to the shadows without being noticed."

"He's from the same camp? I mean, he's wearing the same t-shirt."

"Yeah." It's surprising he's wearing an orange t-shirt!

"Why did he faint?"

"He . . . It's something medical."

"He's so young! 14 or so?"

"He's older than he looks."

"Why doesn't he show up in the system?" Tony obviously had looked him up.

"Same reason as me."

"Nick Fury orders you to keep him under supervision for the same reasons as Percy." JARVIS added.

"I guess that means he is an Avenger, if he wants." Clint informed us. We had finally reached the infirmiry, Thor set Nico down on a bed. I searched his pockets for some ambrosia or nectar.

"Dude. That's not cool." Tony said.

"I'm not robbing him!" I replied disgusted. "Aha!"

"What?" Bruce asked.

"His . . . Prescribed medicine." I lied, holding up a small bottle of nectar. I leaned over Nico and trickled some into his mouth. Immediately some colour flushed into his face. Bruce gaped in amazement at how quickly it worked.

"Don't ask how it works or what it is made of because i can't tell you." Bruce frowned slightly at this news. "He should be alright in a few hours after some rest." I stated. God's i sound like a child of Apollo! "Anyway, where's the pool? I fancy a swim!"

"Um, actually i was hoping to give you a proper check up in my lab." Bruce said.

"How long will it take?"

"10 - 15 minutes?"

"Brilliant! Let's go."

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A/N i hope you liked this chapter! I cant tell you how much i wanted to say "brilliant! Allons-y." At the end.

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