"All Over Aaa"

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Don't need permission
Made my decision to test my limits
Cause it's my business
God as my witness
Start what I finished

Don't need no hold up
Taking control of this kind of moment
I'm locked and loaded
Completely focused
My mind is open

All that you got,
Skin to skin,oh my God
Don't you stop, boy

Something 'bout you
Makes me feel like a
Dangerous woman

Something 'bout,
Something 'bout,
Something 'bout you

Makes me wanna
Do things that I

Something 'bout,
Something 'bout,
Something 'bout,

Nothing to prove
And I'm bulletproof
And I know what I'm doing
The way we're moving
Like introducing
Us to a new thing

I wanna savor
Save it for later
The taste of flavor
'Cause I'm a taker
'Cause I'm a giver
It's only nature
I live for danger

All that you got,
Skin to skin, oh my God
Don't you stop, boy

Something 'bout you
Makes me feel like a
Dangerous woman

Something 'bout
Something 'bout
Something 'bout you

Makes me wanna
Do to things that I

Something 'bout
Something 'bout
Something 'bout you

All girls wanna be
Like that
Bad girls underneath
Like that
You know how
I'm feeling inside

Something 'bout
Something 'bout

All girls wanna be
Like that
Bad girls underneath
Like that
You know how
I'm feeling inside

Something 'bout
Something 'bout

Something 'bout you
Makes me feel like a
Dangerous woman

Something 'bout
Something 'bout
Something 'bout you

Makes me wanna
Do things that I

Something 'bout
Something 'bout
Something 'bout you

All girls wanna be
Like that
Bad girls underneath
Like that
You know how
I'm feeling inside

Something 'bout
Something 'bout you

All girls wanna be
Like that
Bad girls underneath
Like that
You know how
I'm feeling inside

Something 'bout
Something 'bout

Something 'bout
Something 'bout
Something 'bout you (×2)

Your POV
Everyone cheered and screamed for me. Some cried because they new that my annual "All Over Aaa" tour had come to an end. I think "Dangerous Woman" was a good song to end the tour with. I waved to everyone and thanked them. I can't believe after three years I would get so many fans. Yes, I'm seventeen now. Crazy, right? Queen at seventeen. I put the microphone up to my lips and they instantly started shushing themselves.

"Well, thanks for great 4th annual tour. Can you believe it's been four years?" I asked and they all cheered. "I have to say it's been fun growing up all these years with you guys. Even with all the voice cracks and broken microphones." I said and they laughed. I giggled too thinking about all of the broken equipment over the years. "Thanks for coming you guys, see you on my next tour!"

I spot Fionna, Cake, Marshall, and PG and signal them to meet me backstage.

---------Time Skip to Backstage-------

Fi and Cake ran over to me and engulfed me in a big hug. What else was I expecting from my biggest fans?

"Oh my glob! That was amazing! I can't believe it's already over!" Fionna said. I could tell she was sad because she always gets this look in her eyes that tells me.

"Yeah, that was a good song to end on. It really brought out your curves as you danced," Marshall added smirking. I never think anything of his flirting since most of my fanboys did it. I just thought it was cute to see him try.

"Marshall Lee! Can you at least try to be polite without being a huge flirt?" Gumball asked annoyed. Marshall just stuck out his tongue and floated over to him. I could tell he was gonna make a snide remark to him so I quickly made my way over and separated them.

"Alright, that's enough you two. I don't want to end my tour this way, thank you." I said. They stepped away from each other and mumbled their apologies. I loved the way I could ask anything and they would do it at any cost. Or at least try.

"But thank you, Marshall, for the compliment. It was sweet." I say earning a smile from Marshall and a glare from Gumball.

"Well, since the concert is over and the tour is done I guess you have to head back home." PG said sadly. Everywhere I go for a concert I usually get invited to stay at the Royal Palace since I am a Queen and all. It's pretty nice compared to my house that I'm rarely at.

"No silly, I still have to stay here for another couple days. Remember we start the agreement meetings with all the royalty in Aaa tomorrow." I say to him smiling.

"Oh goodness! I completely forgot! I still have so much to do! I have to element proof rooms and make sure that the castle is clean..." He said rambling on his to-do list. He's so adorable when he's flustered. Marshall spoke up.

"Ugh! Another stupid peace agreement. If we really wanted all of our kingdoms to stay in tact why don't we just make a treaty?" The vampire questioned. I couldn't blame him though. But everytime we try to make a treaty to unite our peace, one of princes always backs out thinking that another one of us is going to betray them.

"Marshall Lee, you know why we can't do that. That's why we make agreements." Gumball said pinching the bridge in nose in annoyance. Marshall cursed under his breath.

"Alright, I'll be there tomorrow. But I'm not going to like it." He said and with that he floated off towards his house to get we he needed for the next couple of days since the meetings usually take a long time.

"You never do." I muttered but I could hear Fionna and Cake chuckling so I guess they heard it. Gumball on the other hand had left to usher people out of the castle since the concert was inside.

Fi and Cake said goodbye and started heading home. I took my stuff from backstage and began towards the guest bedroom PG had given me. It had my name engraved in gold at the top:

Queen Y/N Ruler Of Music and All Things Harmonious.

It was beautifully carved and had small barely legible music notes along with the solfiege hand signs on the sides of my door. I opened the door and plopped on the bed tossing my stuff to the side. I drifted off into a peaceful dream with happy fans and no voice cracks.

It was one of the best "All Over Aaa" tours I've ever had.

The Sound Of Love (Marshall Lee × Reader × Prince Gumball) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now