Chapter 2

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I'm so sorry that this chapter isn't so great! I had plans for this story but I don't know, the inspiration is kind of running low and it's just been hard to update! So I do hope you like it even though its not my best :) Love you for reading x

Louis' POV

[9.03am August 16 2013]

We hate to do this, but we found out about yours and Harry's relationship status and to make the band reach higher levels it has come to an agreement that the two of you must break up. Now, you don't normally like to listen to us and we expect that you will disobey our orders this time also but we will do everything to make this not the case. This is a serious issue and we can't have it happening. We care about your happiness but it's the band we have to focus on making successful and continue to be successful. If you were to continue this relationship, we will expose Harry for how people think he really is...'Straight.' This includes magazines, news reports and everything that will make people see Harry as how girls that want him, want him to be. Now we don't intend on hurting Harry in this process but if by any chance it does, that is just the way it goes. Unfair? Yes. But this is what has to happen.
Until we hear from you next,
Modest! Management.

[September 20th 2013: Present day]

"No you can't do this." I pleaded to the monster, that is Modest! on the phone. I had avoided speaking to them. I was too worried about what would happen to actually call them, since getting the text but I had to try and stop them. I got another text yesterday saying if I didn't speak to them they'd go along with it anyway.

"I'm sorry Louis, but we know and you know that this is the only thing we can do. It's for the best." They said for seemed like the hundredth time.

"Don't give me the, 'It's for the best' crap because I'm not having that! I'm finally happy, why can't you just see that?" I was on the verge of tears. They can't do this. They can do this to me but they sure as hell can't do this to Harry.

"Happiness isn't whats important right now, it's the band and-"

"So what your trying to tell me is that us being in a fucking relationship will jeopardise this band but you fucking making Harry seem like a fucking damn man whore wont? Are you fucking dumb or are you dumb?" I was so pissed and upset and angry. I just, this just isn't fair. I didn't know what to do because I want to be with Harry more than anything and more than anyone I have ever been with but I could never live with myself if he continued to get hurt by being with me. Maybe I'll just tell him about it and he can tell me what he wants.

"Yes and it's true because if they found out you were gay, girls would believe they don't have a chance with you and those fans will be the ones to stop buying your music." Management explained. I rolled my eyes. Half the fandom ship us as it is, if anything it would probably increase the fans.

"Well those are the fans we don't want in this fandom." I said. "If they are willing to stop liking and supporting us because of our sexuality than they aren't the true fans." I stated, trying to reason with the big guys but I knew there really wouldn't be anything I can do to change there minds. I shouldn't have even called them and just told Harry. At least then I wouldn't have any doubts about him not getting hurt and it would be easier to tell him.

"Any buyer of your music is welcome into your fandom." They paused with a sigh. They get pissed at me easily, I know but I don't just let them push me around without a fight. I walked to the window of our room and checked to make sure Harry's car still wasn't in the drive way. It wasn't. "And Louis.."

"What?!" I snapped.

"If we find out you told Harry about this arrangement we will do it anyway. So really it's up to you Louis. Do you want to see Harry get hurt?" They asked emotionlessly.

Love Without You is Fake (Ziam, Larry, Nosh) -sequel to 'ILWMBF'Where stories live. Discover now