Chapter 7

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I'm sorry for not updating in ages! I was focusing on finishing my other story and I've started to write drafts of a couple new ones too :) And I'm sorry if so far this story isn't very exciting! I'll try make things happen soon! And I'll try make these notes shorter.

Hope you haven't left me yet!

Niall's POV

2 out of the 5 of us are in shitty moods, 2 are acting like the parents and the other is pretending that everything is fine when it's not. I don't know whether tour starting up again is a good or bad thing.

It could bring us closer again and I know that when your on the stage you just look out at the crowd and forget everything bad that is happening.

But on the other hand it could drive us further apart. Having to spend so much time together, when in negative moods, can get a bit messy. It's alright talking to those in the good mood but if you're the one or is talking to the one in the bad mood then the both of you are screwed.

I just wish Josh was here. I'm happy for him but I can't get the thought of him and Tommy together while I'm half way across the world, missing him like crazy, out of my head.

Maybe I should just spend the day with Harry. He needs some cheering up and I need a distraction. Actually he needs both.

Sighing, I put on my shoes and head to Harry's room. Why must relationships be so hard?

I reach Harry's room and knock lightly on the door but get no reply. I knock once more but with the same result, so slowly and quietly I open the door.

I'm not really shocked by the sight. Harry and Zayn were both asleep. Harry had his arm draped over Zayn's body and they both looked very content. Harry looking as if he hadn't slept in days, which I don't think he has.

Zayn must have been comforting him after the interview and both managed to fall asleep.

I leave them be and close the door. Well considering Zayn's in there maybe Liam wants to do something. See I'm already getting distracted of the fact that Josh isn't here. Kind of.

Walking back downstairs I make my way to Liam's room. I knock and this time I get a voice telling me to come in.

Liam was seated on his bed, his laptop in front of him as well as being on his phone. "Hey Niall." He says when he sees it's me.

"Hey Liam, what are you up to?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Same old. Twitter, Instagram, just searching the net."

"Well." I pause sitting at the end of his bed. "I'm pretty bored and need a distraction and Harry's asleep... so I was wondering if you wanted to go out." I smile hopefully.

Liam smiles back. "Yeah why not." he says and I fist pump because...I don't even know why I fist pumped. "Is there anyone out the front?" He asks.

Fans tend to wait out the front hoping to catch us. Most of the time we do go out and say a quick hello and take some photos but other times we don't feel in the mood to see people. nothing against anyone but sometimes you need some space.

"I don't think so. And even if there is we can say a quick hello and wave."

Liam closes his laptop. "Alright then, just let me get my things ready and we'll head off." He places his phone in his pocket and places on his shoes. Looking at him, Liam's actually pretty stylish, with his jacket tied around his waist and such.

"Is Zayn still with Harry?" Liam asks. No jealousy in his voice at all, just curiosity. I know it's just Harry but if Josh was spending so much time with one of the boys I would be slightly jealous even if they just meant well.

Love Without You is Fake (Ziam, Larry, Nosh) -sequel to 'ILWMBF'Where stories live. Discover now