Chapter One

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   (Y/N) POV

    Hello, my name is (y/n) (l/n). You might've heard about that huge explosion at Krinc High School on the news. Yeah...I might've caused that explosion. I know if I told you what happened you wouldn't believe me, but I'm still going to try and explain.

If you have ever met me you would know me as that 'troubled' kid that causes all the chaos at school. In my defence, all the 'chaos' comes to me. Here's how it happened.

I just left my homeroom and headed towards my Chemistry class. Now, I didn't quite hate Chem, but I didn't find it interesting at all. School is hard, man - especially when you have ADHD and Dyslexia.

I entered the room and sat at the back of the class - my usual spot - and the other students filed in and took their seats. I didn't pay much attention to the teacher, and all I heard were snatches of her instructions.

"Blah...exothermic reactions...blah blah...Bill Nye...blah blah...explosive chemicals...."

She then passed out beakers, pipettes, test-tubes of funky coloured chemicals and other scientific equipment. Then she gestures to me, asking me to demonstrate the experiment to the class. Of course, didn't know what the frick to do.

Hoping to bluff my way through it, I picked two random chemicals and a beaker.

"Uhh, you get stuff and mix it with the pee-coloured one"

And proceeded to do exactly as I said.

"NO NO NO!" Everyone screamed.

The mixture exploded, flinging chemicals and glass into the air, and setting everything else on fire. I felt a wave of panic at the explosion I had created.

People were screaming and running to the exits of the building. Someone must have hit the fire alarm to alert the rest of the school, as it began wailing, causing more panic. I sprinted for the exit, hearing more explosions behind me, as my explosion set off a chain reaction with all the other chemicals in the room. Once I was outside, I looked back and saw the science department had been blown to pieces, setting fire to other areas of the school building. I heard a scream of a student inside, and without thinking, ran back into the smoke-filled hallway to try and save them, dodging teachers as they tried to stop me.

I peered through the smoke and flames, seeing no-one.

"HELP!!!" The scream of a young girl came from a classroom down the decimated corridor. I stumbled through the smoke and debris towards the sound, and saw her cowering under a desk. She had long blonde hair and skin as pale as snow that was strangely clean, untouched by the ash and smoke in the air. Just then, she looked up and smiled, the expression sinister on such a young face. Her delicate body transformed into a hideous creature, still smiling. But this time the smile was filled with rows of jagged and wickedly sharp teeth. A Kampê. The kind of monster you would only read about in a books of Greek myths.

"FINALLY, I HAVE FOUND YOU" The Kampê roared, starting towards me, it's bulk shaking the ruins of the school, causing more debris to fall and sparks from the fire to flare up. Through the  acrid black smoke, I caught a glimpse of 2 more huge silhouettes which. knowing my luck, would probably be Kampê's long-lost second cousins or something.

I couldn't move. My body was paralysed by fear, while my senses told me to run, as far away as possible. As far as my body could handle.

"Go to the woods. Help will come." a voice spoke inside my mind - it wasn't mine. I didn't want to make a habit of trusting strange voices, but I knew that this one at least had some common sense. And if help didn't come, I would have to help myself. I didn't really have the luxury of choice anyway.

I ran.

Sprinting back out of the collapsing school, past all of the teachers and students, and straight into the thicc woods nearby. I barreled past trees, dodging bushes and promptly tripped over a tree branch, falling head first into a deep patch of brambles. I struggled to get up, only succeeding in tangling the brambles around me further, the sharp thorns viciously tearing my clothes and skin. Pain ripped through my body, blood running from the deep gashes on my legs and arms.

I could hear Kampê and her friends roaring and crashing behind me, which wasn't pleasant, but was a great incentive to run faster. I stumbled to my feet, the brambles still tangled around my legs. I screamed as I wrenched my legs free, the long thorns gouging my skin and ripping it to shreds. I grabbed a fallen tree branch to use as a walking stick, only my instincts guiding me.

"I will not die..." I muttered to myself. "Help will come, I will not die..."

I half ran, half hobbled up the incline, using the branch to keep me upright, my lungs burning from a combination of the chemical filled smoke from the school and the running.

I could hear Kampê and her monster friends getting closer behind me, but I didn't have the time to look back and see. I managed to lose them in a thick clump of trees and bushes, but I knew they would soon catch up with me again - the trail of blood would be easy to follow.

I don't know how long I ran for, my breath rasping painfully, my legs burning from the deep cuts. All that kept me going was adrenaline and the thought of help. I broke through the woods, and stopped to quickly look around me, realising I had come further than I had thought possible in my condition. I could see another hill in the distance with a massive pine tree, and another forest the other side of a small road. I stumbled towards the road, hoping that I might be able to hide in the forest, when two kids ran out of the forest towards me. One had sandy blonde hair, and the other had brown, both with blue eyes. They picked me up, shouting to 5 other kids that had burst out of the woods after them, who ran past us to fight off Kampê and her 2 monster buddies. 

The two kids that were holding me started carrying me towards to hill with the pine tree, and I could hear Kampê's wails and roars as the 5 other kids killed her and her ugly second cousins. As the realisation that I was now safe hit me, utter exhaustion and pain overwhelmed me and I blacked out...

Special thanks to @IvoryFeather77 for editing this chapter. She did an amazing job!

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