New Boy.

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*2weeks later*

Finally out of the hospital.I've made  whole schedule for today but I remember I have school.

So I won't have much time to do anything that I wanted,so I've just cut it down to go seeing my baby girl.

When I woke up a week before I cried for a whole day.

"Andrea,come on baby.You have to get ready for school"My mom commented as she walked into my room.

I nodded and sat up from the my own bed walking to the restroom.

I took a shower and threw on my school uniform.I pulled my hair in a high pony,my white section of my hair more visible.

I picked up my bookbag,slipping my keys in my blazer jacket and my phone.

Once I reached Downstairs,I waited for my bus.I would drive but I'm not able to since I can barely walk,It was a rough recovery but it all worked out, I guess.

I have to wear a thing around my stomach to hide the babyfat that hangs out.

"Andy,the bus is here!"My mom yelled.

Andy was my nickname.

I got up from the couch,hugged my mom and walked out of the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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