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Mackenna's POV

It was him. The boy from the office. He looked a little shorter now. "Hey babe!!" I heard someone yell from be hind me. It was Mikaela!!

"Hey baby" the boy said as he engulfed her into a huge hug. "Who's this?" He asked pointing at me. "This is my friend Mackenna we met this morning in the office she's new to New Jersey." Mikaela replyed "Cool! Where did you move from?" "Arizona" I answered just as the teacher came in and we all took our seats.

*skip to lunch*

As I walked into the cafeteria I saw Mikaela sitting with her boyfriend and what looked to be like a clone sitting right next to him. As I sat right across from her she greeted me. "Hey Mackenna. How you liken your first day?" She asked " hey Mikaela. Its going well so far nothing really happened yet so that's good" I replied.
"OMG! im so sorry I never introduced my boyfriend."
She pointed to the boy sitting next to her and said "this is my boyfriend Ethan." "Hey" he said and waved.

*Skip to the end of school*

I was walking out of school when I saw Mikaela standing with Ethan. "Hey mackenna wanna come to the mall with us?" "No thanks I need to get home but thanks for the invite." I put my ear buds in and put on my favorite G-Eazy album and began walking home.

While walking I got this weird feeling that I was being watch or followed. I turned around and saw a small personage all the way back at the school. So I just kept walking home and forgot about the feeling. All of the sudden a black truck cut me off and someone hopped out by this point I was only like 3 blocks away from my home.

The person that hopped out was Grayson. "What are you doing here!? I thought you went with them to the mall!!" After I finished my sentence I was hit and knocked down to the floor. I then felt him kick me over and over in the stomach. All I could think was why? What did I do to deserve this treatment?!

After a out 10 minutes if being beat up he whispered something but I couldn't quite make out what he said then he drove off down the road. I lyed there for a while not wanting to move. Eventually I got up and limped to my house.

When I got home no one was home luckily. My mom was at work and my dad is deployed to Korea. The first thing I did was take a shower and tend to my bruises. After I was done I went and sat at my desk just staring at nothing. No one really knows except for my best friends Mariela and Joaquin but I use to cut but I stopped and have been good about finding other alternatives for depression.

But this situation was really getting to me for some reason. I was supposed to throw away my blade but I put them in a black box and locked then in a drawer and I always keep the the key on a chain and wear it as a necklace. My only reason no to cut was my older brother but he moved away with his whore of a girlfriend Ashley. I hate her so much my brother can do so much better.

As I was thinking about what happened today I got a text and my phone lit up. I went and looked at the number and don't recognize it. The text said "You dumb whore why don't you just go kill you self". I just sat their with my phone in my hands wondering why is it me that always gets bullied I do nothing wrong and i get beat up or something like its not fair. I guess I'm just a waste of air.

Sorry for not updating lately be busy with sports and school! Promise I will do better over my winter break hope you like the chapter. And sorry if the chapters are short❤❤💟💟💜💜😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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