Chapter 3

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"Artemis, I crave your body." 

"You know I have too."

"I want you to kidnap me again, Arty"

I edged closer seeing significant bulge in his pants. He reached for my shirt and slowly lifted it over my head. My chestnut skin glowed faintly as he felt my body.




Holly woke with a start as a voice penetrated her dream. A stout dwarf with a not-so-pleasant odour leaned over her. Holly's cheeks reddened.

"Mulch?" she asked nervously. "What are you doing here?" 

"I just dropped by to check on Artemis," said Mulch miscieviously.

"Oh really?" scoffed Holly. "What's the real reason?"

"All right, all right, I came to steal some turkey from the fridge," Mulch chuckled as he pranced outside.

Turkey? God! It's Thanksgiving today! How could I forget? Holly thought.

Holly groaned and lifted herself off the lush bed. What a pleasant and embarrasing dream, thought Holly as she glanced at herself in the mirror, How can I fall in love with a human!

She sluggishly walked out of the room to the dining table. Artemis sat straight backed at the head of the table. He looked up from his plate of whole wheat bars and said "Please, sit"

"What's going on Artemis?" Holly questioned.

"It has come to my attention that you are confused about me, therefore I will stop any attempts at a relationship." Artemis pushed his plate away and stomped off.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Holly called. No answer. Holly sighed stomped after him. "WAIT A SECOND!" Artemis headed towards his room. Energy piroueted around her responding to the change in mood tension. Holly placed her hand on his shoulder.

Artemis twirled around and quietly whispered "What do you want with me?" Holly rose to her tippy toes and soflty kissed Artemis on the cheek. Holly peeled away and Artemis gazed into her mismatched eyes. Magic drops danced around his cheek. One brown, one blue, joined together by fate.

"I do want a relationship,  it's just," she paused. "It's complicated."

"We can make it work," said Artemis as he drew a strand of hair away from Holly's face.

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