Kasey has been living in her sister shadow's for as long as she's been living with her. After their parent's tragic death, Kasey's sister, Kassidy, constantly tell's her what to do. Kasey is a very pretty girl but her sister always feels like she ne...
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Kasey's Pov (in the picture)
*BEEP BEEP* "UGHH!!!", I groan as I shut off my alarm clock. I have to get ready for work but let me introduce myself. My name is Kasey Woods and I'm currently living with my sister, Kassidy. I bet you're wondering why is our names are spelled with K instead of C. Well, our father loved the letter k. I don't know why and I'll never know why. Our parents died in a car accident. The driver was drunk and they rammed straight into the front of my parents car. Both cars *starts to tear up*... exploded due to the fact that both cars were going fast. I was 17 at the time but now I'm 25 and still with my sister. She's so annoying but until I can get a better job, I'm stuck with her. "Kasey, GET UP AND OUT MY HOUSE! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!", Kassidy yelled. "Okayy, geesh." I have to go now and get ready for work. Bye bye!
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Kassidy's POV (in picture)
Hey everyone! I'm Kassidy Woods, Kasey's older and more beautiful sister. I'm 27, I know I'm older by just two years but still. I looked at the time on my phone and realized Kasey was going to be late. "Kasey... GET UP AND GET OUT MY HOUSE! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!", I yelled. She said something back but I couldn't make out what she said. I continued fixing her lunch and packing it until she finally came downstairs. "Have a wonderful day, Sis.", I told her as I kissed her cheek. "EW, GERMS!", she said laughing. She's acting like I licked her cheek, Drama Queen. "Bye, Sis!", Kasey yelled as she left. I went to go shower and do my daily beauty routine. I put on my workout attire and hopped in my Benz coupe. My favorite song "Cheap Thrills" by Sia came on. (start video at 0:22)
Kasey's POV
I made it to work just in time. I clocked in and put my apron on. I started to make new batches of cookies for my regulars. As I'm mixing the dough, I hear the bell from the shop ring. I walk to the front of the store and I couldn't believe who it was.
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Oliver in picture It's my boyfriend, Oliver Hunt. We've been together a long time about 1 year and 26 days but who's counting? "OMG Babe!", I squealed as I ran to him to give him a big hug. "Hey Beautiful. I missed you so much.", Oli told me. Oli was away at college, he's finishing his last year. We've been together and we still got to see each other but his college made a rule that girls could no longer spend the night in the boys dorms. I was sad but hey I got over it. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, I bought a house out here in Cali. I was wondering if you would like to move in with me?", he asked holding my hand. I...woah.... I don't know what to say. "I have to talk it over with my sister first." "It's okay I understand.", he said as he kissed my cheek, "I have to go to work myself but I'm picking you up at 7." "Wait. Why? Where are we going?", I asked. "Stop asking all dem questions girl. Just be ready. Don't be looking fancy either.", he said laughing. Yeah, I have a habit of being fancy anywhere I go because my sister tells me I make better impressions on people that way. "Okay, bye. I love you Oli!" "I love you too Pooh Bear!", he yelled walking out.
I just realized everyone was looking at me. "Ohhhh, That's the Oliver you've been talking about",Mrs. Callaway ,my boss, said. "Hehe, yeaah. That's my Oli." " Ooo Girl he finee.", Shaheed, a regular said. Sha is like my bestie, but I'd never date him. Did I mention he was gay? " Sha. Leave my boyfriend alone. Go bother your own boyfriend.", I told him. "Gurrl, he ain't got nothing on yo boyfriend. Do he got a brother?", he asked. I started laughing. Maybe work today was going to be fun.