2: True Colors

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Kasey's POV

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Kasey's POV

I've never told my sister I had a boyfriend so what I'm about to ask her is going to be a shock. "Hey, Kass. I have something to ask you." She turned around to face me. " What is it, little sister?" She knows I hate being called that. "So you remember, Oliver?", I asked.

"The hottest boy that used to go to our school!", she said with excitement,"Is he looking for me? Does he finally want to ask me out?" "Um, not exactly." "Then, what about him?"

Kasey: "Well, he kinda sort of want me to move in with him."

Kass: "You mean the both of us right?!" "Omg! OMG! I'm going to start packing!"

Kasey: "No. Just. Me. By myself. Una persona." (Did I tell you guys I also speak spanish?)

Kass: "¿Qué quiere decir con sólo usted?"  (What do you mean by just you?)

Kasey: " Oliver is my boyfriend."

Kass: "You're lying! He never wanted you, all he ever said about you were mean things!"

Kasey: "Everyone who talks bad about you doesn't mean they dislike you."

Kass: "Get The F*ck Out! I hate you! You ugly piece of sh*t! No wonder why mom and Dad left that night! If it wasn't for you giving them a hard time with all of your "problems" maybe they'd still be alive!

That. Hurt. Really, Really. Bad. It felt as if my whole world had crumbled down on me. She wanted me out. She blamed me for my parents death. It was true though. If I would've stayed home and didn't run away, they would've been here. Perfectly happy and healthy.

I ran to my room and cried my eyes out and started packing. When I was done, I walked to my sister's room and heard her soft crying. "I'm sorry.", I whispered. I left my mom's diamond ring, that I loved dearly, hung around a piece of string on her doorknob. I walked out the door and Oliver was there. I forgot we were supposed to go on a date. He crushed me in a big hug and I started crying till my face turned red and I couldn't breathe.

Oliver: Pooh! Wake up! Wake up! It's just a dream! Calm down!

I had a nightmare about that day I was kicked out my sisters house. I thought we were bffs for life. I was wrong and ever since that day, I've been hiding from her. She wants me to come home but I don't want to go back there. I don't want to relive that moment. I heard she lives in the desert now so if something was to happen to me know one would know. I know you may be saying," she's your sister. She won't kill her blood." She was obsessed with Oliver and would do anything for him. She might not kill me but she'll send me far away.

This happened over the course of a year. Me and Oliver are engaged now. We also have a baby on the way. We're having a girl and her name is Lily Hazel Hunt. I can't wait to see my baby girl. Oli can't wait either as soon as he found out he dragged me all the way to the mall to pick out stuff for his princess.

Oli: Babe, are you hungry?

Kasey: No, I have to pee. I'll be back.

As I walk to the bathroom,I hear Oli's phone ring.

Oliver's Phone Conversation

Oliver: Hey!


Oliver: Imma come over tonight after Kasey goes to sleep.


Oliver: Yeah, go ahead and make me a plate.


Oliver: I'd like that.


Oliver: Uhh, She's not my girlfriend. How many times I have to tell you this?!


Oliver: You're gonna get it when I get there!


Oliver: Bye!

~phone conversation over~

I didn't even go to the toilet. I am standing right at the door with my ear on it. Is Oliver cheating on me? Of course, he gets me preggo then dips. I wouldn't be surprised. In the books I read on Wattpad, most of the girls on there were pregnant and single.

Kasey: "¿Me estás engañando?"( Are you cheating on me?)

Oliver: No. Why would you think that?

Kasey: Oliver, no me mientas. Juro que voy a hacer algo que lamentaré. Sea honesto y dime quién es. (Oliver, do not lie to me. I swear I'll do something I regret. Be honest and tell me who it is.)

Oliver: I swear nobody. Babe, you're carrying my princess, why would I cheat?

Kasey: Whatever, I'm going to sleep.

If he wants to go, he can go. Bye, Oliver.

( Kasey and Oliver)

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( Kasey and Oliver)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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