14* Ginny's Little Skill

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In potions, Draco couldn't bring himself to acknowledge Hermione at all, much less in a negative tone. He had to end it. He had to break up with her before the week was over. It wouldn't take much, he realized, to simply ignore it. Once the battle broke out, she would know everything. She would hate him instantly. He ground up a thick root, venting his frustration onto it before dumping it into his cauldron. That wouldn't be fair to her, and he knew it. He had to let her down easy, if he could.

A sudden semi-sweet perfume assaulted his nose as Hermione walked by his desk. She glared at him, as she usually did when they were not alone, and dropped a slip of parchment next to his desk. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and continued on her way to the ingredients cabinet to fetch something. Draco waited for her to make her way back to her desk before snatching the parchment off the ground, and stuffing it into his textbook. He read it after class was dismissed. Tonight at the tapestry. He sighed. Here was his opportunity.

That night, his feet felt heavy as he made his way towards the shortcut up to Gryffindor Tower. He practiced his words in his head before he arrived, but gave up when he ducked inside the tapestry. He knew it wouldn't matter.

When he tore open the curtain, Hermione was waiting for him. She threw both arms around his neck, kissing him and tugging the curtain shut in one smooth movement. Caught up in the moment, Draco wrapped his arms around her waist and pushed her back into the stone filled archway, kissing her passionately. Her fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him as close as was physically possible.

This, Draco realized, was the longest kiss they had ever had. How fitting, that it would be on their last night as a couple.

When they pulled away at last, Hermione's face was flushed bright pink. They caught their breath. "What was that for?" Draco asked when he could speak.

Hermione exhaled. "I don't know. It just felt right." She looked into his eyes, much less shy than she had been at first. "Also, Ginny taught me how to close the curtain while... while..." She blushed deep crimson.

Draco laughed. "I knew the redhead would come in handy."

"I am so glad you didn't erase her memory." She hooked her arms around his neck while his wrapped around her waist. "So hi."

"Hi." He said back, smiling down at her. "So why the sudden urge to see me? Was it only test out Ginny's new skill?"

Hermione smiled. "No. Well not entirely. Is it wrong to want to see my boyfriend?"

The word twisted his heart like a knife. "No. No, not at all." He backed away. "Hermione, I have something I have to say."

Her smile instantly became a frown, and her eyebrows creased with worry. "Draco, what's wrong?" He could tell she wanted to reach out to him, but she held herself back.

"I..." He cleared his throat. "We..." He looked away from her eyes. "I think we need to..."

"Are you breaking up with me?" She asked. He looked at her face. Her eyes were dry, but her face was still creased with worry. There was no anger, no resentment. Only concern for him.

"Yes." He answered. "I have to. Look," He sighed and looked away. "We can't stay together. I know I started this, by asking you out, but my parents will never approve of this. I love you but this won't work after we get out of school." He knew that they would be done with school within the week, rather than in another year. Whatever happened, he knew one of them wouldn't be able to return. "I don't want to drag this out. I think it would be better if we just walked away now, while things are still good."

"Okay." She whispered. It was a strong whisper, not timid or sad. Simply quiet. "Okay Draco. Just do me one favor, okay?"

"Anything." Draco replied.

"Don't apologize." She said firmly. "Don't you ever say that you're sorry for leaving me. Don't ever pity me like that." A spark similar to the one in Ginny's eyes appeared in hers. "You're not dumping me. We are agreeing to go our separate ways."

Draco nodded. "I would never. I respect you far too much for that."

She nodded. The two held eye contact for a long moment. "Thank you, Malfoy, for the time we did have." She said.

"Likewise, Granger."

Granger smiled, nodded, and left through the curtain.

Malfoy sighed, tears springing to his eyes as he leaned back against the wall. He needed to run to the room of requirement to meet with Amycus Carrow at the cabinet. It was the final test of the cabinet, and the final chance for Malfoy to hear about the logistics of the invasion. He wiped his eyes and breathed deeply. He tiptoed through the corridors to the second floor. He paced the familiar hall only once, his determination to keep the pain at bay aiding his need. He slipped through the door, heading directly towards the cabinet.

When he got there, he knocked twice, paused, and knocked twice more. There was a knock on the other side. He opened the door and Amycus stepped out into the room. Thoughts of Hermione were set aside.

Amycus spoke well, that's why he was sent. He went over every detail of the plan, even going into the back-up plans. Malfoy was too focused to notice the rustling noises coming from behind the bookcase filled with sherry bottles.

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