Chapter 3

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"Eli!" Alex says louder this time and I stop talking.

Brace yourself.........


"Eli........ I'm sorry" were the only words I was able to hear before I ran out of the car and into my house.

God, why am I so stupid, why did I ever think he could feel the same about me. Now I just ruined a decade long friendship. Wait, maybe he was sorry for something else.....

Oh who am I kidding

As soon as I was safely snuggled into my bed, I placed my face into my pillow and started sobbing. loud. I could feel my eyes becoming sore and my throat becoming dry. At least this was the last day of school, I never want to see him again. God I am stupid. My stupid optimistic mind just landed me here.

This is not some clique where best friends would fall in love with each other, no, this was reality and I just ruined whatever I had with Alex.

I cry some more before, André, my caretaker, one of my mothers loyal friends, knock at my door. I couldn't hear it at first because my crying was drowning all the surround sound, but it was more audible when I heard a faint whisper next to me.

"Eli, tell me what's wrong, you've been in here since you came home from school, and its 9:30. Please tell me what's wrong"

Wow, I hadn't realised I've been crying for over 4 hours.

" I want to go back home" I say softly, my voice hoarse.

André looked confused for a while before asking me gently

"Eli, tell me what's wrong and i'll ask your mother if you can come home"

I was hesitant at first before

I decided to tell him everything. The memory of Alex's rejection was still fresh in my mind and as I come to an end, I feel tears threatening to fall from my eyes, I let them.

"Oh honey, don't let one-"

I cut him off before he could finnish.

"No André, he was not just another guy, he was special and kind and I really thought he could love me, I guess my heart payed the price for my stupidity" I sighed straining my already sore voice.

"Elizabeth Antoinette Middleton, you are a strong and beautiful young women, that has a lot of potential, your a damn princess for god sakes, you can get any guy you want and there are many, many more fish in the sea" André explains, hands on hips with his index finger swaying side to side.

"No André, you and my father are the only decent men on the planet, if not universe" I say with a frustrated grunt.

"Honey, that's because I'm gay" André says with a smug smirk plastered across his face.

And at that moment I forgot everything about Alex, the rejection, everything. I smile.

"Maybe your wisdom was the reason you and my mother are best friends, why you and I are to"


André smiles sympathetically before asking,

"Honey, so do you still want to go back home, you finished your senior year already and off to college you go, do you want to do that back in London?"

I nod, I want to start over, forget my long friendship with Alex and move on, I am not saying It will be easy, I can't just forget him, forgetting someone you love is like trying to remember someone you don't know, but I will try and move on.

André nods.

"I'll figure something out with your mother tonight, I am sure you can though, we will find you a good college in London and keep you close to your family, remember to get a good sleep, tomorrow will be a long day"

I smile "thank you André" I say sincerely.

He gives me a warm smile "no problem honey, now get ready for bed. goodnight"


He leaves the room.

I don't bother getting ready, I just lay there, all of a sudden feeling exhausted. I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

Authors note


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