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Daryl kept watch as everyone prepared themselves with their hand made weapons out of zippers and belts and wood. They were going to get out of there. Rick had enough confidence for all of them. As they ask one another about the people they have lost, Daryl reassures Maggie that Beth is alive, and Sasha now knew that Tyreese was okay, at least from here. "Alright," Daryl gets everybody's attention as they listen to the shouts from outside, "there's 4 of those pricks coming our way." Everyone jumps up, weapons in front of them, fists ready. Rick yanks the chain out from the cut in between the wood, "you know what to do, head for their eyes first, then their throats." Rick looks back at Michonne who gives him a nod telling him 'I'm ready' and 'we're going to get Carl back'. "Backs against the wall of each side of the cart, now." a voice demands from somewhere outside. Suddenly a door that wasn't visible to any of their eyes before opens from above, something hits the ground, smoke-like fumes leak out. Abraham is the first to react, "Move!"

Carl held his breath, waiting, but the girl still didn't move. He really was beginning to think she was dead and just taking a really long time to reanimate. Gareth wasn't pleased by the lack of response, "Hey, wake up!" Carl watched as the man unlocked her door and reached in. Carl sort of hoped that she did reanimate, like now. "Oh for Fuck's sake," Gareth swore as he shook her still form, "Get up," Carl saw it, a barely noticeable twitch of the girl's hand. If he hadn't been looking at that exact spot, he'd have missed it. Gareth was in the process of turning the girl over from her side when she sprang into motion, lunging for him. Gareth just managed to dodge her snapping teeth, scuttling just far enough out of reach. Carl couldn't believe it; he hadn't actually thought he'd get his wish. Gareth sprang into action as she went for him again, slamming the cage door shut, cutting off her attack. She was locked in again and Carl's heart sank, it had been so close. It didn't occur to him that even if Gareth had been mauled, he'd still be locked inside of his own cage. All he cared about was seeing his tormentor suffer.

To Carl's bewilderment Gareth yelled at the girl, "See! It's that kind of shit that got your water privileges revoked for the last three days!" He kicked the cage again, an action the girl mimicked from inside, though not as effectively. It occurred to Carl in that moment, as he watched her more closely, that he had been wrong. She hadn't come back from the dead like he had assumed; she'd never been dead in the first place. It had been a trap; she had lain there, unmoving, for hours waiting for the right moment to strike. It was smart, really. Carl had to admire her patience, he didn't think he could be so still in such cramped conditions; he was always adjusting his position. She hadn't even flinched when Gareth had kicked her kennel, nor, Carl thought in embarrassment, when he'd been crying and begging to be let go. He hoped that she might have actually been asleep for some of that.

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