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You opened your eyes to absolute darkness. Groping around you felt that you were laid on a cold stone floor and it was wet. As you continued to feel around you realized the liquid was blood, your blood. And as you went to reach forward you felt the resistance of a cold, metal chain wrapped around your legs. You were trapped.

"Hello?" you coughed out.

"Well, you're awake." A voice answered from the darkness. You could hear footsteps approaching and you cowered back in fear. "There is no reason to be frightened by me." The voice said again. There was something sinister in the voice which only made you more frightened. "If you cooperate, no one will get seriously hurt."

A door opened and light poured in to the dirty cell. The figure walked towards you and knelt in front of you, lifting your face to his. "Hello beautiful."

You took in a shaky breath. "Who are you?"

"Oh! How rude of me!" the figure chuckled. "I am Niklaus."

No. There was no way. Klaus couldn't have gotten to you. He thought you were dead. "That witch was smart. I had to drink all your blood to break my curse, but I need your blood to create hybrids." He chuckled. "Now, how am I to get all that blood out of you?"

At that question, a nurse came into the cell. "Don't resist." Klaus compelled as the nurse began to restrain your arms and head to the back wall. She then inserted the needles and set up multiple bags so you were being drained of blood via both of your arms and from your neck. That's when you also noticed that you were bleeding from a gash in your side. Klaus noticed you looking down at it.

"Oh dear," he said picking up your shirt to reveal the cut. "Nurse, would you stitch that up?" The nurse nodded and went back to her kit picking up a syringe of local anesthetic. "That won't be necessary." He said placing it back into the kit. You inhaled sharply again as she cut your shirt giving her full access to the wound. She picked up her needle and inserted it into your skin tugging the wound together. As she tugged you whimpered out in pain. "Why are you doing this Klaus?" you pleaded.

"Well, you tried to trick me. So you must pay the consequences." He stated as he got up. "Nurse, close the cell up when you finish. And take your time, you don't want to mess up." As he walked away, you saw that the room began to fade away from both the pain and the blood loss. Moments later, it was all black once again.

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