Base camp

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I finished packing my equipment. I was happy finally after an hour of redoing my back pack about ten times. Courtney was already finished sat flicking through channels waiting for me. All she had been doing all morning was going on about that guy Seth. "We need to leave Cassie" I nodded agreeing seeing we was just on time to meet the group down stairs in the hotel lobby. "I wonder if Seth will be happy to see me" I rolled my eyes as we made our way out the room. The second we headed out the elevator Courtney rushed straight towards a large group next to  sign that simply said "rock climbing adventure group". I chuckled to myself to see Courtney immediately stand close to Seth pretending she hadn't noticed him. This was a ploy she did a lot with men. Get their attention while pretending she isn't bothered at all. Moving to stand next to her I looked over the group to see around 30 other people men and women from all different countries from the look of things. I noticed two Japanese men walking across smiling happily towards myself and Courtney. I gave a welcoming smile back before turning my attention to two men stood in front of the crowd grabbing everyone's attention. "I am max and this is Jamie. We're your climbing tour guides for the next few days. You shall all be split into two groups and placed with one of us. Both groups will be splitting up tomorrow to explore different climbs and wonderful scenery's." Max continued to go over what was to happen over the next few days simply with not too much detail. Courtney nudged me to grab my attention. "You think we will be placed with them?" I looked next to her to see Seth grinning like a chesire cat. He obviously heard her question. "I don't know" I simply replied to see we we're now being told to head for the coach outside.  I walked following the group to a coach that looked much nicer than the one that brought us to the hotel the day before. Getting on I sighed in relief to see we at least had more leg room between seats. Courtney grabbed two seats in front of Seth and his friends. If it wasn't obvious she liked him back in the lobby it was now. She was going full on stalker mode. I took the seat next to her that she saved for me after placing my back pack in the overhead area. The two Japanese men sat opposite us and immediately got into conversation with people sat around them. 

Three hours later with my headphones in relaxing to the music taking in the now scenic views we finally came to a stop. I took out the buds to hear Max saying we we're here. "Have you seen that mountain up ahead? How awesome would that be to climb?" I checked out the mountain she mentioned surrounded by forest in the distance as I made my way off the coach. I nodded agreeing with her hoping that would be where one group could be heading. Hopefully the group I would be in. "My names Suburu" I turned once stood outside the coach to see one of the Japanese men holding his hand out to me. "Cassie" I smiled shaking his hand. He gave me a warming smile then introduced his friend as Ryoji. "You have really nice hair" He grinned pointing to my pillar box red hair. "Thanks" I felt awkward instantly. I had been to Japan before and knew my hair grabbed unwanted male attention far too often. I didn't like speaking with strangers. Why did I come on this group trip then you ask? I wanted to climb but didn't feel good about just myself and Courtney going alone. It was mainly her idea to do this group thing. I just tagged along. "You don't look too enthusiastic about this trip" I felt an arm come around my shoulder. Looking up I saw blue eyes smirking down at me then looking towards Suburu and Ryoji as if to warn them off. "I'm actually very enthusiastic, I just don't smile much" I pushed his arm off me and moved away closer to Courtney. I couldn't help but growl inwardly when blue eyes snickered at my reaction. That guy was going to be a head ache I just knew it. "We shall be heading towards base camp and settling down for the night to get to know each other more. You will need to trust everyone in your group to get through the next few days. It won't be easy climbing both areas and you will be relying on each other a lot. Now lets head on up" Max smiled leading the way. We all followed him most people chatting to others in the group introducing themselves. I kept awfully close to Courtney for protection. I could feel someone's eyes firmly on me but refused to check out who it was. It was uncomfortable to think we would be in the middle of nowhere with people I didn't know. I never gave it deep thought until now. "Your clinging to me like your scared your going to be murdered" Courtney laughed in a whisper at me. "That blue eyed man gives me the creeps. Don't even get me started on how I don't want my hair to be topic of conversation this whole trip with the Japanese men." I explained in a low whisper. Courtney snickered at me more shaking her head amused. "You need to lighten up. I know you have issues and anxiety with strangers but nothing bad is going to happen. We're not in Japan with that strange guy who tried to steal your hair, we're not in California where that man was trying to steal your underwear. There are no weirdo's here. Did you forget we all got CRB checked before coming on this trip for safety reasons? Everyone here is sound of mind and just wants adventure like us. We're all friends here" I nodded understanding she was right. I was just super paranoid. 

75 Degrees North. Book 1 (A Dean Ambrose fic Romance/Horror) fanficWhere stories live. Discover now