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"You managed to boil that water yet?" Benji and Ryoji both nodded giving small smiles towards Courtney as they lifted the pot off the makeshift fire. We had walked till we found a cave and slept there. Everyone taking in turns to keep a lookout in pairs. We was all exhausted from the lack of sleep. When I had my chance to sleep all I did was lay worrying about the other three men. Yeah if what those monsters said was true is pretty sick but I felt guilty just leaving them. "Here" Louise smiled handing me a pair of mucky white shoes. "They we're my spare pair but I think you need them more" I nodded thankful to check the shoe size and smiled seeing they we're exactly the right fit. I pulled my socks back on and pulled the shoes over my grazed and cut up feet. "Thanks Louise" I smiled grateful to her. "Can I ask you something?" She sat down next to me. I nodded yes for her to continue as we watched the others  ration out our final food. "Do you think they really did it? Seth, Roman and Dean?" I sighed out trying to think about it myself. "I don't know Louise. Unless we saw actual proof there is no way of knowing" She stayed silent watching Suburu bring us both some water across. Benji came over with half a protein bar each. It wasn't much but it was all we had left. Both men moved back across to the others as they handed out the rest of the food. "Do you love him?" She continued in a soft voice. "I don't know him well enough to love him" I answered truthfully sipping my warm nasty tasting water. "Well he said you guys kissed....I just thought maybe something had been going on" I didn't want to think about that right now. I couldn't blame her though for asking. I did get pretty upset and almost cried when he shouted that stuff at me. It hurt but I knew he was an ass to begin with. "It was a mistake Louise. Anyway, how you holding up?" Louise shifted on the floor struggling to get comfy. I could tell she was not finding any of this easy. None of us found this easy. "I'm ok. I'm just scared. They tried to take me yesterday. They kept shouting something at me but I didn't understand what" I knew exactly what they wanted her for. Or at least I guessed with them believing she is a virgin that they probably wanted to do the worse  and kill her for her pure body parts. I wasn't going to tell her that though. "I won't let anyone hurt you ok? We are getting out of this together" I reassured her taking her hand in mine after placing my metal cup down. "We are all sticking together and we don't leave anyone behind" Liam added as everyone now listened as they nodded towards Louise and agreed. I smiled watching them reassure her but as my eyes came back to hers she looked even more sad. "But we left Roman, Seth and Dean behind. What if they get killed? That would be our fault" My eyes shifted to Courtney unsure of what to say. Louise didn't see the bad in people. She only saw the good. "They will only get us killed Louise. They are strong men, they can find their own way out. I bet they get out before we even do" Louise nodded looking down at the floor. I could see she was scared for them. I was too if I was to be truthful. 

We made a move following Benji as he led us north. For the rest of the day of walking we ran into nobody dangerous. The forest was eerily silent. It was strange. I felt relieved feeling as exhausted as I was to manage a whole day without having to run and anyone getting hurt or killed. We stopped when we came to another cave. Liam checked it out to make sure it was a dead end so nobody could sneak up on us. "Ok we rest here" I watched as Courtney led everyone inside. Peering back behind to where we came from I couldn't help but wonder if the others we're ok. Like I should really care but I did. I headed inside the cave taking a rest on the floor against the wall. I felt my body aching and my stomach hurt I was so hungry. I stayed silent resting my eyes while Benji and Ryoji left with Courtney to scavenge for water and something for us to eat. I didn't like the idea of eating something they would have to find but we all needed our energy right now. I must have fell asleep as I was woken up by Suburu sitting next to me pushing some warm water and what looked to be meat in front of me. "What is that?" I scrunched my nose looking at the food not knowing if it was fit for human consumption. "They managed to catch a few birds. It tastes just like chicken" Suburu grinned at me taking a bite of his own. "It doesn't look like chicken" I turned my nose up pinching it to avoid the taste. I was so hungry I didn't care as long as it was ok to eat. "You ok? You seem pretty upset" I shook my head no. I wasn't ok. I wasn't ever going to be ok until we got out of here. "I feel like this hell is never ending. I don't cope well with stressful situations at all" I watched Courtney ordering everyone around who had a skill we needed right now. I couldn't help but smile softly at how she had taken charge and since then nothing else had gone wrong. I knew she would get us all out alive. Well I hoped.

75 Degrees North. Book 1 (A Dean Ambrose fic Romance/Horror) fanficWhere stories live. Discover now