Chapter 3: *Insert Random Name*

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(Y/N)'s POV
I woke up on the couch 'I probably slept on the couch last night' I thought then Leo went to my feet and gestured me to follow him. We went to the kitchen and I saw the Dog Food spelt 'Leo Ryland' "Your full name is Leo Ryland?" I asked Leo and he wagged his tail as in a yes 'Smart little dog arent you' I thought. I looked at the clock and it was 7:00 AM I got 3 more hours until work "Hey Leo want to take a bath?" I asked and Leo went to the bathroom holding a towel in his mouth 'Huh hes really smart' I thought, i got the dog shampoo and blowdryer and went to the bathroom.

When Leo was in the tub i turned on the focet (Is that how its spelt?) And put the shampoo on my hands then i rubbed it on Leo's fur. After while, i turned on the blowdryer abd dryed Leo's fur as much as possible.

After Leo's bath I took a bath myself. After my bath i wore (C/T) and my favorite boots, I looked at the clock and it was 8:37 AM, I drank my coffee and watched TV. When it was 9:55 i closed the TV and headed to the door, I heard Leo bark and took the colar and leash "You want to go with me?" I said abd he nodded.

When we got there i was greeted by Kent with a flirtacious smile "......What Do you want Kent?" I said "Oh nothin just here to greet my favorite human" Kent said and I rolled my eyes "Oh and you brought Leo" He added

Today im the cashier again so i waited for customers to arrive about 30 seconds later i was bored so i put my (F/C) HeadPhones abd turned the music to 'Numb by Linkin Park' I started humming the tune.

About 5 minutes later customers filled the Cafe and started ordering so i got the stuff that they want and half of the pastries were running out so i told the others to make more. Huh this Cafe hadnt this much customers since this opened up.

Then Monsters started coming to the Cafe and for some reason the Humans and Monsters now had a Dance Battle. "If you guys want a dance battle then... LETS TURN THINGS UP A NOTCH" I said and Stomped my feet on the ground then the Cafe tiles turned to a launch pad setting and the counter turned to a DJ set and my clothes turned to DJ clothes "LETS GET THIS DANCE BATTLE STARTED!" I said and skated to the DJ station.

Then the employees clothes turned to.

The female employees have Black dresses with neon pink stripes, neon headphones, Black fingerless gloves, some boots that glow in the dark, for the short haired females they have little pigtails and for the long haired females they have braided pigtails.

The male employees have a Black long sleeved shirt with glow in the dark blue stripes, the pants are black with the some glow in the dark blue stripes, black fingerless gloves, Blue headphones, and sone glow in the dark boots.

I have the Hatsune Miku clothes, pigtails and everything except the hair color i have Black with neon blue striped headphones, long black fingerless gloves and some neon boot like skates.

"LETS GET THIS DANCE BATTLE!" I shouted and turned up the music.
Male and Female employees were serving the people who are watching.


After the Dance Battle, the monsters won then the DJ set, launch pad floor and everything went back to the normal Cafe, the uniforms turned to normal but the headphones didnt disappear "Hey (Y/N), why didbt the headphones disappear?" Kent asked "Cuz when it happens those Headphones will stay" I said then Kent nodded and kept listening to the music.

San's POV
(0mG wh3n I t¥¶3d iN $@n$'s ¶0V It w@$ iN 666 w0®d$ 0___0 $@n$ i$nt th3 d3viL!!)

Me and my worthless brother went to that stupid human's Cafe to get his sweets. When we got there, there was a dance battle. The monsters won and all the new glow in the dark and neon stuff went back to normal and that stupid, stupid human was the one who made it and made it disappear.

(Y/N)'s POV
After the whole thing and Papyrus got his bread i closed the Cafe and went home with Leo.

H3h thI$ i$nT p@®t oF Kawaii_Neko327'$ $t0®¥ iT$ ju$T @ ®@nD0m ©h@¶t3r th@t I m@d3 f0r $0m3 ®3@$0n. @nD iLl b3 t@lkInG lik3 thi$ f0® th3 r3$t 0f th3 st0®¥ $0 ¥0u h@v3 t0 g3t u$3d t0 iT.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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