She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me. Duh

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I don't own The Vampire Diaries or any of the characters. By the way the writing on the notebook is in bold, as well as the different POV changes this  chapter.

Elena POV
Had I just told Damon Salvatore that I loved him? That seems a bit strong after just waking up from a coma. Even if the coma was only a few days long. So I add a maybe on the end and lay back down.

Damon's confused POV
Had the love of my life just told me that she maybe loved me? I was ecstatic. Hopefully, the maybe meant that she was leaning more towards the fact that she loved me but was hesitant to tell Stefan. Hey, a few months ago I felt the same way.
   If she had moved, spoken, looked me and confessed her uncertain love towards me then surely she had fully emerged from her comatose state.
Elena POV
I was glad to move my muscles and even more glad to see Damon. His eyes looked sunken from lack of sleep and nourishment. He must be thirsty, how could he handle the hospital?

I was so glad, in fact I felt like kissing my favourite psycho but I couldn't because technically Stefan was still my boyfriend. Unlike what SOME people say it's just cruel to love both of them.



"Yes?," he replied

"What?,"she replied ," you spoke first?"

Elena POV
It was at that point that Caroline and Stefan walked in, ultimately sparing us the awkwardness that was bound to ensue between me and the raven haired guy who had sat so willingly at my bedside.

I may like Damon which may now be pretty obvious, but before I speak to him I need to break up with Stefan. Even if Damon doesn't want to be with me in the end, I cannot live a lie in the arms of Stefan.

Personally, ever since I have met his brother he has been my forbidden crush. Like a villain you boo at but secretly you think he's hot and mysterious. To be honest, I am pleasantly surprised that Damon can have so many positive feelings that he has described about me. That even though his past was harrowing he still has the love left to confess for me.

Also, whenever I find myself in danger or hospital I have found Damon either by my bedside or carrying me to safety, bridal style as the luckiest bride in the world.

"Elena?," enquired Damon ," What are you so deep in thought about?Are you okay?"

Awww, is it just me or has Damon got considerably more thoughtful towards me lately. I may have just woken up from my comatose state not long ago. However, it feels like I have just opened my eyes to these feelings that have been emerging like lava from a love volcano that I can no longer ignore.

Damon POV

She was undoubtedly in thought about how much she had missed Stefan's hero hair and how much she loved his stupidly adorable face.

Wait what happened to the confident Damon? I have had tons of girls fall at my feet. Then again, none of them can compare to Elena.

"Can I talk to Stefan..alone?," enquired Elena.

See what I'm going against here? Then again, Elena had no idea what I'd told her, all those things I'd bottled up and then spurted out like a jar of cheesy love notes.

Weird, isn't it? The way I used to laugh at the gullible people who would fall irreparably in love with someone. With Katherine, her love ultimately ended up being a curse. Like how hypnotists put people in trances and make them flap their arms  and make stupid noises like a chicken. In that relationship I was the chicken. Now I am the luckiest thing alive. I would say a man but that would suggest I was human.

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