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As Harry left, a part of me wanted him to stay. I guess, I could ask what happened in the past. Maybe, it could bring back some of my memories. I run out of my house looking for Harry if he was still around here. I see him walking to what maybe was his house.
I scream out his name,
"HARRY!" I lost my breath by running so much.

He turns around with his green eyes looking into my blue eyes. I sort of blush as I walked up to him and say,
"Can you tell me about when we were younger? It may bring back some of my memories of you." I look at him, squeezing my hands into a fist behind my back waiting for his reply.
"I would be happy to," he says with a smile and escorts me to his car. He opens the door to the passenger seat.
As I sit down I see him going to the driver's seat and gets in to start the engine.

As I look at the window looking at the beautiful sunset, I see we are heading to a beach.
"A beach?" I ask with a confused face. I see him grinning putting his hands through his luscious curls. I look back out
the window. Wow, the beach is beautiful with a sunset I think, then I hear a door close. I look around and see
Harry coming my way to open my door.
"Thank you," I say with a smile. I look around for some reason. 'This feels like a date...'
"Come this way," Harry says as he grabs my hand pulling me to where he says to go.

We stop and he turns to me and says, "We first met at this beach," Harry says with a smile. I look at Harry, his eyes sparkled as the wind blew in his curls and smiles.I blush intensely. I bet I look like a tomato now. I look in his green eyes and say, "We met here, how come?" I look at Harry with a confused look still blushing."Well you and your mom were having a blast that's what your mum said. I was in the ocean splashing water at my mates, Louis and Zayn. I saw you crying so, I came over and asked you what was wrong. You said that you were lonely so I kept you company. We played tag and hide 'n' seek. Since then we started going to each others' houses and played but until that day you didn't come by to my house at all. So I came over and asked your mum. She said that you were not in the mood. And I always wondered why? But I don't want to wait anymore for you." I see Harry's face is sad, still holding that smile but then I noticed that he was looking at my lips. 'What was he doing?' Then before I know it he was kissing me. My eyes widened from this. His lips were soft and his skin felt smooth even though he had some pimples. Huh? I see a memory of me and Harry. 'Whats going on?' "Hazza, we are always going to be together right?" Little me says with a serious face looking at Harry. "Of course," little Harry goes hugging little me. 'What's going on?' Everything begins to fade...

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