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Mari POV-

As I run as fast as I can in the house
" HARRY!!!?" I walk in looking around and all I hear is silence. I walk in the kitchen and check the fridge well cause you never know bro he might be in a drawer like bro didint you see that skinny fit man yet tf? I close the refrigerator and walk down the hall. As I'm next to the bathroom door I turn slowly and grin as I look at a closed door I knocked 3 times with my signature knock. And what I mean by that is me trying to open the door like the commercial how the kids open the lockers with their hands lmaooo. " harry?" *Knock* I open the door and just see the toilet lid is up " bro harry I don't need to know you used the toilet oh my lord"  as I am about to leave I turn with a grin on my face. " hmmmm harry are you in...HERE!" I open the shower curtain and just see a bland white tile wall and just a shampoo bottle and conditioner. " this is not even the same brand!"

As I walk out the bathroom even though the candle I put in there smelled sooo good. I walk in our bedroom and see the bed fixed. " finallyyyy you fixed the darn bed like you expect me to fix everything you bootyhole!" I screamed while laughing "but where are you for real harry!" I looked in the closet and see he's not there either. And then I remember there is another room and remember to myself he isn't that dumb. So I run out the house and grab a uber and his name was dave, I laughed so hard at how I said  his name . As I wait on the bench like I lost my lunch money. *beep* "are you mari?" As I look up I see Liam in the driver seat. "OH hey Liam but I'm trying to catch a Uber."  hey doofus I'm the Uber driver" he said while opening the door for me. I looked at him confused of what he said. " I ain't playing games bro go home." I said laughing looking away. " if you don't mind HARRY IS GOING ON A PLANE TO FILM A MOVIEE EARLIER THAN EXPECTED SO IF YOU DONT MOVE YOUR FLAT PAPER ASS IN THE CAR IM GOING TO DRAG YOU IN!" Liam said pointing at the seat. "fine you little paper clip BUT WAIT WHATTTT LETS GOOOO!" I put my hand in Liam face and smush it and poke his forehead " ow !!" He says while holding his forehead. "shut up you weak twig and hurry up!" I say while getting in and closing the door. " you little brat your very violent." He says while driving.

Harry POV-

As I look at the sky and see a flying bird " HEY IS THAT A DUCK!" I say And I turn immediately to look at daniel. And Daniel puts one hand on his forehead and laughs. " sir are you joking right now?" He says with a smile and I laugh too " sorry it was dead in here" I say turning on my phone *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep**beep* *beep* as I hear this I immediately turn off my ringer  "sir who is texting you so much?" He says as looks at the mirror. " I don't know at all but I should check cause it's not stopping... it's Mari!" As I go on imessage I read her texts that was delivered 3 minutes ago. "Harry where are you I can't find you in this house are you just a good hider and I suck at seeking?" "hey harry I tripped when I went down the steps cause I forgot to tie my shoes and SHIT I FORGOT MY OTHER SHOE" " ok I'm back and I got my shoe on... THIS IS THE WRONG SHOE MARI ARE YOU COLORED BLIND TF ITS CLEARLY A WHITE SHOE NOT PINK!" "ok finally I have the same shoes on Yay first try" " oh yeah WHERE ARE YOU??!!!" " ok I'm in a car on the look out for a dreamy curly haired man god right now!!!" I laugh and Daniel chuckles "harry sir, don't you think you are a little to early to the movie set? I think we should turn back since we are here" he says parking the car. " I actually miss her a lot but I think she is perfectly fine where she is at with her man Payton."  I say annoyingly and getting out the car. As I get out the car Daniel is already gettting the luggage and bag out. " here you go harry, but sorry but I must say something before you ruin anything , if you love something more than ever and would do anything for them even if you have competition you should always try and have a smile for them or fight for what you want." Daniel says smiling handing my bag to me " ...maybe but I should go anyways."

Mari POV-

" BROOOO THIS FLIPPING DUDE LEAVES ME ON READ!!!" I scream while putting my hair in front of my face and grumble. " hey little possessed grudge can you put your hair back? cause your scaring the trees." Liam says while looking at the road. " shut up you!" I laugh and fix my hair. " we are here buddy! Now get out and do what you must and if I don't see harry with you when you get back I'm gonna take your tv" He says flickering my forehead " payback! Now shoo shoo" he says while waving bye. I get out the car faster than the flash ever can and look at the top at everyone heads cause harry has a little curl so defined I can notice it quickly.. THERE HE ISSS! "HARREEYEE!!!!" I scream while I run to him.

Harry POV-

As I'm saying bye to Daniel I feel a little chill up my spine  "I'll see you when I get back or your coming to assist me?" I ask while holding my bag. " sir there is a Chihuahua coming your way" he says pointing. " what do you mean Daniel?" I ask looking at him with questions. "HARRRREEEEEEYEEEEEEEEE!!"
I turn quickly as I hear my name. And my eyes widen as I see mari running to me " She actually does look like a Chihuahua" I smile "sir go to her she may have something to say before you leave" Daniel says while smiling " hmmm I gusss?" I walk to mari and see her expression turn to anger and I walk backwards. But then she makes it to me and sits on the floor " ahh gosh if I didint loose 4 pounds for that I'm going to sue!" She says without breath and gets up looking at me with anger and squeezes my cheeks " WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING HUH? And I'm MAD AT YOU CAUSE YOU LEFT THE TOILET LID UP YOU DIRTY BOY" she says looking at me annoyed "mari? Why are you here anyways, where's Payton?" I ask looking around "so that's why your doing this stupid decision?!!!" Mari says looking at me angrily, I don't understand why she is mad at me though " I SEARCHED EVRYWHERE FOR YOU IN OUT HOUSE EVEN THE TRASH CAN BUT YOU WERENT THERE!!" She says poking my cheek "you even left me on read like who does that?" She says as she calms down.

"Mari I don't have time for this please." I say as I grab my bag and start to walk away then " OWWWW!!" My head bends down and I see in the corner of my eye mari pulling my hair and SHE HAS A STEP STOOL WHAT YHE HECK DID SHE GET THAT FROM?!! "are you ready to talk now?!!" She says pulling my hair harder " OK! OK! " I say and she lets go of my hair and I turn around and see her jumping down from the steps while rubbing my head in pain. Something so little can be so violent. "now tell me why your leaving cause I distinctly remember you need to leave in 4 months" mari says crossing her arms tapping her foot. "I just wanted practice nothing big" I say trying to make her believe me even though that's not true "hmmmmmm..." she squints her eyes and looks at my eyes and looks down and up at me. Is she checking me out? I look at her with all sort of questions and she looks back at my eyes but with a death stare.

I don't really understand how short girls or any girl can just give you a death stare and make you shiver a little like how do they do it? "wanted to practice my ass..." she whispers and says " I figured you out now." As she says those words I made a confused expression to make it seem that she's wrong. "your jealous! Your jealous cause I'm with Payton too much and want time with me by yourself you were against him this whole time staying with us and thought he was a threat to us and think he would take me away from you and left me because you thought he won and you lost but let me tell you something..." as she says these words my eyes widen and I drop my bag how did she freaking noticed?! how do girls do it but we boys can't?! " no I uh.." I say looking at her all shocked "BUT! let me tell you something alright!" She says getting closer and I froze what can't I move. "you are annoyingly cute, you always know what to say when I'm sad or angry...your the reason I smile, your the reason I check my phone when you leave every 40 seconds, you are always on my mind!! I don't know how you do it, you just do and you always have the freaking adorable smile I hate cause you always make me wanna squeeze your cheeks and kiss you!! You know how annoying you can be ugh but you don't get it BUT UNDERSTAND WHAT IM SAYING TO YOU RIGHT NOW!!! I LOVE YOU AND ONLY YOU AND I WILL NEVER CHANGE MY FEELINGS FOR NO ONE OTHER THAN YOU!!! With no hesitation I grab her by waist and look into her angry sad eyes and whisper " I love you too..." and kiss her on the lips. Her lips were soft and smelled like cake and she jumps on me and I hold her and we both looked at each other and say "your my true love"

Thank you guys sooo much for reading my story " is he my true love. Yes this is the last chapter and I hope you liked it.
They are cute af i don't even know why?!

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