Chapter 1

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AUTHORS NOTE: note that the first 3 chapters are not great! But I promise it gets better. Please give it a chance. Also I know that a lot of stuff in this book is not true. For example I know that the biggest crowd Justin's ever preformed in was not in LA.. I hope you all like my book! I love you all!
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Justin's P.O.V

I sit down in the dressing room, right before going on stage to preforming in LA.

Selena peeks her head in the dressing room and says "Justin are you almost ready?" And I smile and say "Yes, I think I'm ready." 

Tonight I was preforming in front of the biggest crowd I've ever preformed at, in my entire life!

Right before I walk on stage I hurry and give Selena a huge, tight hug and kissed her on her forehead.

I go on stage. The crowd is super hyped.

Selena P.O.V

After Justin got off stage, Justin and I went out for dinner. As soon we got out of the arena paparazzi and beliebers were everywhere.

We finally got past all of it, and we chose to have Chinese.

When we got there, there was this little girl there with her family. And she was a huge fan of Justin and I. Her name was Kayla. We shortly found out that she had cancer. Unfortunately she was dying.

As we sat and talked to Kayla and her parents we learned that she is 8 years old.

Justin's P.O.V

"Selena do you mind if you take Ms. Kayla to another table while I talk to her parents?"

"No problem." She grabbed Kaylas hand and went to another table.

"It's funny because, like 4 years ago, there was this girl and her name was Avalana. But she was younger than Kayla. And she had cancer to but unfortunately she passed when she was 5."

Kaylas parents reacted with the words "awww" and "that's so sad"

I was trying my best not to cry. I miss that girl so much!

I looked over at Selena and Kayla and I see that Selena is tickling Kayla. They where both laughing.

That put a smile on my face.

I begin to tell them more about Avalana and about how much time we spent together. Kayla's moms eyes started to tear up!

Kayla and Selena walked over to our table and asked if we where done talking and I said yes.

Selena's P.O.V

Before we left the restaurant, I elbowed Justin whispered into his ear, "Give them your number." Justin gave me a weird look and took my hand and walked me to the corner of the restaurant. "Would if they give it to someone else, then i would have to change my number for the 50th million time this year!"

"Just do it. Where you and Kayla can like hang out a lot." I said

Justin looked at me for the longest time .

"She's dying Justin. This may be her only chance." I said

Justin looked over at her and looked back at me, he took a deep breath in and out and said "Okay, ill do it."

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