Chapter 3

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Justin's P.O.V

When I get to the arena I immediately call Kaylas parents. I told them to be there 5hours before it started,  where  they could watch me rehears and also where Kayla and I could spend time together.

"Hello?" Kayla mom said

"Umm yeah, this is Justin are y'all here?"

"Where on our way, we got stuck in traffic."

"Oh ok, bye."

After I hang up my phone I put it in my pocket and get on the stage to rehearse.

Kaylas P.O.V

As we pull up at the arena, I start looking for Justin. I couldn't find him so I assume he's in the arena.

As we start walking up to the building, I heard his beautiful talented voice.

When I saw Justin, I immediately ran to him while screaming "justttiiiinnnn"

I ran right into his arms and he gave me the tightest hug.

"You ready for the show tonight?" Justin said.

"I'm soooo ready."

"Good. You better be." Justin said. Then we both laugh, and he starts tickling me, making me fall to the floor.

Justin's P.O.V

  After rehearsing, I told scooter I was taking a break.

During the break, I took Kayla to get ice cream. Then after that we went to the park.

When we got back to the arena, scooter called me backstage but he told me to come alone. Oh crap what did I do now?

I'm guessing he saw the fear in my eyes, because when I got there he told me that I wasn't in trouble. "Are you sure your ready to do this?" I just looked at him like he was stupid because I had no idea what he was talking about. Then it clicked, I knew what he was talking about. "Oh yeah I'm ready."


Justin's P.O.V

It was finally time for the show. I wasn't nervous. I've done this plenty of times before, I'm pretty sure I got it down.

So I sing all of my songs that I do during the show, but in between some of the songs, I sing 'Baby', 'As long as you love me', and then I finish singing the rest of the songs on the purpose album.

At the end of the show, I was getting ready to sing my last song.

Kaylas P.O.V

I was at the show! I was having the time of my life! It was amazing!! I never thought that I would ever be here, seeing Justin live, in my whole entire Life, but here I am.

It was almost the end of the show, and Justin was singing his last song. He told us in the crowd that he wasn't gonna tell us the song. I was dying to know what it was... a few minutes later before he started the song, a lady that had blonde hair, blue eyes came up to me.

"Hi, umm will you please come with me? I'm part of Justin's crew and we need you to do something."

"Umm i don't know." I looked at my mom for permission. She told me to go.

"But i wanna see what Justin's gonna sing for his last song!"

"I'm sorry sweetie maybe next time."

So I'm walking with this lady, not knowing where we are going.

We're backstage I can hear the screaming and Justin talking to the fans..

Then I hear the music turn on.

It was OLLG!! I really wanna know who's gonna be the OLLG! But I can't because I'm stuck back here..

The lady pushes me through some currents, next thing I know, I'm on stage with Justin! I couldn't see straight. I couldn't think straight. I'm on the stage with Justin in front of thousands and thousands of people.

I finally realized it, I was the OLLG!!

I sat in the chair, he sung to me and instead of flowers, he gave me a crown 👑!
It was the night of my life!


Who thinks I should start doing these author notes? I wanna interact with all and find out how y'all like my book.

This chapter is longer then others... I even kind of feel like it's boring........ anyway tell me what you think about the book and also tell me what you would change about it or tell me what you want to happen next.

Don't worry dramas coming at you in chapter 4!!!! Be prepared!

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