ᗪeᗩᖇ ᗪiᗩᖇy (prologue)

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"It's September 8th. The Heathers have already terrorized half of the school with their manipulating ways. Heather Chandler and Duke are still doing polls at lunch and Mcnamra is in on it . Is it a crime to enjoy lunch withou-"

Veronica was to busy scribbling away in her flower printed black diary to notice the way her feet were trotting towards the 'nerd' table. God she hated that word it was so overrated what were these bimbette labels ?

Veronica's head shot up as fast as it could when she heard the familiar growl of Heather Chandler's roar. Veronica took a moment to blink and realize that she was heading toward the table that held Betty Finn and Martha Dunstock. Veronica let out a sigh and shut her diary not finishing her last few sentences. She gave a little wave to the two girls at the 'nerd' table and twisted around gliding towards Heathers.

"Yes Heather, my love?" Veronica's words breezed out of her mouth and she quirked an eyebrow up holding her diary close to her.

"Did you forget Friday poll??" Heather snatched back the conversation to her and puckered out her lips with an exasperated look sprawled across her eyes.

"Of course not." Veronica shot back examining Heather's dirty blonde spirals. Things like this made Veronica question their friendship but she knew this time she couldn't forget Friday poll. Why? you ask ... Well it was because of a boy.

A boy. A simple boy drowning in a mass of black trench coat. A boy who was mysterious but at the same time his eyes beckoned her. She was amped for this one time about Friday poll. Veronica's eyes scanned over the wave of people to spot the calm spot in the cafeteria. The spot that held the dark horse. The boy.

"God Veronica drool much ?" Heather Chandler let out a giggle as Heather Duke and Mcnamra followed her lead and gave fake chuckles.

" That's Jason Dean we have biology together !" Heather Mcnamra said excitedly

Veronica's head twisted toward Heather Chandler and looked down. In Heather's hands she grasped a clip board with that Friday's poll scribbled on it.

"Gimme that." Veronica said snatching the board from Heather's hands. Without waiting for a response she strides towards Jason Dean. Once she reached the table where he was at Jason Dean looked up and smiled. His straight black hair and devilish smile made Veronica melt.
"Greetings and salutations. You a Heather?" Jason Dean's voice called out. He had a dark voice but it had a hint of light it was soothing but rough almost . Sort of like moose tracks. The ice cream. Oh gosh this was helpless. Veronica could feel the puddles forming on her hands as she chuckled.

"I um... I'm no, I'm a Veronica." she returned a weak smile. "Sawyer." Gazing into his eyes she asked him the poll and started befriending Jason Dean. Was this a win or a lose though? Did it matter ? Nope. Veronica felt victorious and knew there was something there. Even when the heathers pried her away from him.

This one incident made her know something was forming; something great. Something lovable . Something that Gods wish they could reach.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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