chapter 1

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Author's note: hey guy's i just wanted to see if this version of the story was better, but i will try to update 11 parts just like my other book. if yall like this one better.

I wake up to loud banging on my door. I walk to the door to find that it is Tasha. I open the door and say "Don't you think it's too early for drama, i just woke up so i don't want to hear any bonchinche just yet." she smiles "why you always assuming it's drama." i look at her seriously "why else would you be here at 7 o'clock in the morning." she laughs "You're right, but guess what?" i roll my eyes and make coffee. "can i atleast shower and eat first please?" she sighs "fine."

After showering and making breakfast i call Tasha into the kitchen. She smiles, and i can already tell that's she'd going to tell me what she came here for. After sitting at the table i sigh and say "go ahead Tasha tell me the drama." And shove a piece of pancakes in my mouth.

" omg your not going to believe this, Okay so remember how last night i was invited to that party at blue eyes house?"

"yea, you told me to come, but you know i am not big on parties."

"mmh, so i found out that he likes someone in his homeroom."

"Okay, and why do i care?" i say frustrated

"well you're in his homeroom"

i start to think. no there is no way that it could be me last time we spoke things were still weird from me catching him talking about someones a$$.

"okay your point is" I say annoyed now.

"OMG he might ask you out, like you totally have a crush on him. just admit it."

i fell my face get hot so i quickly get up and walk to the kitchen. i sigh "Are we still going to the movies later today after school, or...." i ask impatiently. she rolls her eyes and says "yea, but you should get dressed we are going to be late, and nice way of changing the subject." I smile and nod my head. "while i do my hair do what you do best and get me some clothes please." she smiles "already done, you know i wouldn't let you out the house if you were to pick your clothes." Tasha is picky and wants everything her way so since today is tuesday/taco tuesday/ it taco (spanish for heels) tuesday as well so we where a nice dress with a pair of heels.

I ended up driving my car with Tasha because she didn't have gas, What type of person does that. Anyways after we get to school we head over to the cafe and look for Alex. She has her nose in her phone so it was easy to scare her. The bell rings and off to homeroom we go. We do this thing where we drop each other off at our homerooms Alex and i drop of Tasha then head to homeroom together.


Author's note.. again: What did you think? should i continue this one or the old one?

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