My Star

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Chapter 13
(4 months later)
Rachel's pov :
Tonights the night Rachel Berry becomes a star. Now I got the part in Funny Girl I have done nothing but practice. I was in my dressing room when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I said.

The door opened and it was Finn with a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey there superstar." He said.

"Hi." I said smiling and gave him a kiss.

"You ready?" He asked me.

"No, I'm so nervous what if I forget a line or I screw up. I never felt this scared before." I said panicked .

"Hey, hey, take a breather. " He said.

I took a breath and he said,

"You are going to do great you know why because you Rachel Barbra Berry are a star. You're my star and if you get nervous just look at me. I'll be in the front row cheering you on." He told me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Of course. You're going to be magnificent. Now go shine like the star I know you are and bring the house down." He said.

I smiled and kissed him poetically .

"I love you my baker man." I said.

"I love you to my star. " He said and I went out on stage .

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