Mondo Gecko

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You two were skateboarding together. You both are mutant geckos but you are a tad shorter and are a bright tan color with brown eyes. "Watch this!" You said as you preformed a trick with your board. "Nice! But can you do this?" Mondo asked as he did a trick that was far more advanced. "Hey that's not fair! I've only been skating for a year, you've practically been skating your whole life!" You shout in annoyance. "Ah come don't be mad." Mondo said as he grabbed your hand. You simply turned away from him. "I can't have the most beautiful girl in the world mad at me now can I." He said. That comment made you blush but you held your ground. Mondo kept whispering sweet nothings in your ear making it more difficult to stay mad. "Ok fine you are forgiven." You said with a sigh of defeat. Mondo smiled triumphantly and kissed your cheek with made your blush grow larger. "Come on let me show you so more tricks you can do." Mondo said as he pulled you along. Mondo taught you how to do a few more tricks with your board before the sun began to set. You let out a yawn. "You tired?" Mondo asked. "A little." You said as you rubbed your sleepy eyes. "Come on, let's go home and get some rest." Mondo said. He walked over and picked you up bridal style. You gasped as he lifted you. Mondo carried you all the way home. You dozed off in his comforting arms that you didn't even notice when he set you in your bed. Mondo pulled the covers over your sleeping form. He pressed a kiss to your temple. "Sleep tight my love." He said as he shut the lights off and left the room.

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