Alex 🖕🏼💩
Heyllo Josh ∩( ・ω・)∩Alex 🖕🏼💩
Awwww man. Did I do my math wrong? Is it not around noonish where ever you are?Alex 🖕🏼💩
Im taking that as a yes. Oh well.~~~~~~~~
Josh 🦄🌮
Why are you still talking to me? And yeah it was around noonish but I was asleep.Alex 🖕🏼💩
Aye he's alive :D and what the hell are you doing sleeping at noon? 😂Josh 🦄🌮
Yes I am alive. And my job messes up my sleeping patterns.Alex 🖕🏼💩
Ohhhhh. What kind of job do you have if it has you sleeping at noon? 😂Josh 🦄🌮
Nothing. Forget I said that......Alex 🖕🏼💩
Awwww ok :'(Josh 🦄🌮
Gud. Now answer my first question, why the hell are you still talking to me?Alex 🖕🏼💩
Gahd youre so cranky today. Do you need to vent? You never got to yesterday. Is it the same reason as yesterday?Josh 🦄🌮
Just answer my question.Alex 🖕🏼💩
Fine cranky pants. Im still talking to you because im an antisocial trash thats bored and you seem like a nice guy.Josh 🦄🌮
Antisocial trash? If thats the problem go out and be social!Alex 🖕🏼💩
\(-_______-;)/Alex 🖕🏼💩
Its not that simple....... Im to socially awkward ∩( ・ω・)∩ Anyways thats enough of my life. Whats up with you? Why are you so cranky?Josh 🦄🌮
Are you sure youre okay with me talking to you about this? Ive only met you yesterday.....Alex 🖕🏼💩
Yeah of course!Josh 🦄🌮
Hey all you awesome sauce readers!
So yeah....... Idk what to say 😂
Thats all for today, hope you enjoyed, if you did,
Stay Fabalas,
~Joie out 😘💜💜
Wrong Number ↠ Zerkaa Fanfic
FanfictieUnknown Number Freya, please take me back! Tell me what I did wrong please! I'll fix it! I really miss you..... Alex Sorry, wrong number... Unknown Number Really?! Freya I stg youre trolling me Alex No this is Alex. Look Im sorry about this Freya c...