Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- The meenting

Layla' POV

"Come on Alex I hate them I don't wanna go!!" I yelled at Alex through my bathroom door. Alex and I are going to a STUPID One Direction concert she got us VIP tickets with the concert tickets and as you can hear I would just LOVE too go ( note the sarcasm )

Okay and with that she chose my whole outfit... But I have too admit its not totally horrible. Its consist of a awesome All Time Low band shirt with a crop top long sleeved leather jacket,a red skinny jean and the coolest combat boots their black and they have spikes at the heals so yeah overall a really cool outfit

"Are you done Layla!!" She shouted "come on I don't wanna be late!!"

"Just calm your tits, I'm trying to figure out how this curling thing works!"I shouted back "... Can you come help me please?"

"Sure them open the door" she asked


"Damn these girls are so loud!" I yelled at Alex as we stood almost in the front row

"I know its so awesome right?!" She yelled back smiling like a crazy person drugs

"No!! Its NOT, I can't take it, it feels like my eardrums are gonna burst!" I screamed as loud as I could because of these girls and their damn annoying squeling voices

Man I hate this concert. Every girl here is annoying as fudge! Seriosly don't get them. And that's not even the worst everyone is looking at me like I'm dressed as a circus freak! Probably because of the All Time Low shirt I'm wearing but I really could care less.


Alex' POV


Oh my god I can't believe I'm actually here at a ONE DIRECTION concert it feels so unreal, but I don't think that Layla is enjoying it very much well I couldn't blame her she doesn't like them.

More Than this' cords started playing through the speakers and litteraly everyone in the arena screamed their heads off even me and I have to say it was pretty damn loud!

"Okay so this is not their worst song ever!" Layla yelled over all the girls voices

"Told you their music isin't that bad" I laughed and she chuckled

"Yeah yeah okay I said THIS song wasn't bad doent mean I LOVE them now" she said and I pouted playfully at her she just laughed and shook her head

BANG!!! We heard a sound that sounded like a gun shot... The whole Arena went silent even the music stopped playing... And suddenly there was another shot and everyone started screaming and running the boys ran off stage and, we started looking for an Exit but there was just too many people.BANG!! BANG!! BANG!! 3 more shots sounded. We screamed again and started running faster. Some of the girls infront of us fell and Layla and I went to help them up but their bodies got trampled.

"OH MY GOD!!!" I screamed my head off as I saw that and I started to cry.


Layla' POV


Oh god I can't believe what I just saw. I just grabbed Alex' hand and tugged her to me she was crying and I couldn't help the few tears that left my eyes, I mean I just saw someone get trampled to death!

"Come on Alex!" I yelled at her she wouldn't move

She snapped out of it and we ran in a diffrent direction back towards the stage side to see if their was another door but that didn't last long because we were pulled through another door on the left side of the stage.

It was completely dark...

"Why did you bring us in here we don't even know where we are!" Alex shouted at me.

"I wasn't me I got pulled in here by who ever tugged my arm in here" I stated.

"Uumm... Hi" someone said in the dark.

Alex and I let out shriek at the same time the voice said that.

"Who the hell is there?!" I said a bit too loud.

"Would you quiet down damn I just saved you both from almost being trampled to death and no thanx?" He said ,it was a boy

"Oh...umm sorry, Thank you I guess" I said shyly looking down

"No problem babe"He said

"Umm not to be rude or anything but who are you? and where the hell are we?"Alex asked

"Oh, um we'll my name is Zayn Malik but I guess you who I am and your in a supply closet because it was the only room open off the stage" He said

'Oh god,Alex please don't start Squeling or something that you fangirls do' I prayed when he said his name

"OMG! Your THE Zayn Malik!" Alex started squeling, guess I didn't pray hard enough

"Um... Yeah... I guess"Zayn said

"Oh my gosh I LOVE you aahh"she started yelling

I just stood there not knowing what to do, until she started squeling again,I had enough and put my hand over her mouth witch made her squeling and screaming muffeld against my hand

"Uumm could you maybe get us out of here?"I asked Zayn as Alex stopped screaming against my hand

"Yeah sorry let me just...get to the door" he said struggling to get past us

He bumped into me and I fell flat on my bum with a thud

"Sh*t sorry, I didn't mean to knock you down babe!" He said suddenly and helped me get back on my feet

"Its fine just get us out of here"

He opened the door and I felt like a Vampire seeing the light. Zayn helped Alex out and then me get out of the closet.

"Awesome boots babe" he commented and smiled I looked up and was met with beautiful Hazel eyes

"Thanx Zayn" I said and returned the smile we stould there a while just staring at eachother, until Alex spoke making us break eye contact.

"Wow where is everybody?"

"They probably left because of the gun shots" I said in a 'duh' tone

"Yeah I know but that was fast"she stated

"Sorry to interupt Girls but, what are your names?"Zayn asked blushing slightly because he didn't know our names

"I'm Layla" I said "and this is Alex" I gestured too me and then too Alex

"Hey Layla and Alex" he said giving us kind smiles

"Would you girls like too meet the rest of the boys?"Zayn asked

I groaned internally and Alex nodded frantically. Zayn just chuckled and started to walk.

"You girls coming?"

"Yes!"Alex pratically yelled

"Yeah, okay"

Zayn started to lead the way down a big corridor, until we stopped outside a door with One Direction on the door. As Zayn opened the door I saw something that horrified and probably scared me for life!!


Hey guys! Niks here! Big thanx u to Jess who wrote the whole chapter cuz I've been woriking at a vet since last week! Its super cool but also super gross! I almost pasded out! Big dedication to everyone reading this book and a big thanx u to Jess, Dawid(who's reading this book and is also my bf :p ) ,Nico, Zane and Shanye!

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