Shu ending

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"Shu." I whispered softly. Shu sat there holding me in his arms with a worried expression. He soon sighed slightly as he closed his eyes going back to his usual expression. "'re such a noisy girl." He mumbled. I only smiled at him weakly.

He opened an eye and frowned. "Now I have to carry you to the hospital." He grumbled. I giggled. "Hehe...sorry." I apologized. He sighed gently picking me up. I flinched in pain. "Sorry." He mumbled as he started to carry me out of the grand hall.

I looked up at him my eyes slowly closing. "Shu...." I whispered before passing out.

~time skip~

I sat in the hospital bed listening to music as I hummed. So far I've been here for three weeks. It wasn't lonely though I always had the guys come by that made me happy. I smiled closing my eyes. After a while there was a knock on the door.

"Huh?" I mumbled looking towards the door. I watched as it opened to reveal a lazy looking Shu. He looked at me and smirked slightly as he walked over. I smiled a small smile at him. "Hey." I said softly. He nods as he sits down next to my hospital bed.

"How can you stand being here? It's so noisy." He grumbled with an annoyed expression. I giggled as I leaned back and looked out the window with a soft smile. "To be honest I wish I was back home...I miss everyone." I said softly. Shu didn't say anything for a moment.

"....Shizu." He whispered. I hummed as I looked over at him only for my eyes to widen. Shu had pressed his lips against mine in a soft and gentle kiss. I sat there shocked as a deep blush went and covered my cheeks. Shu pulled away and slowly opened his eyes.

"S-Shu. I-I-" Shu chuckled as he went and got into the hospital bed with me. I laid there blushing heavily. "I love you Shizu." He mumbled closing his eyes. I smiled softly at this as I cuddled up to him. "I-i love you too. Shu." I whispered. He smirked as he slowly fell asleep.

~5 years later~

I stood in front of the gravestone with a soft and sad smile. "It's been five years now." I whispered softly. "How've you been doing Len?" I asked with a tiny smile. Five years have passed and my life has completely changed. I went and placed down a single red rose.

"MOMMY!" A small voice cried. I smiled as I turned around and saw my 4 year old daughter running up the hill followed by her lazy father. "Min what are you doing up here?" I asked picking her up. "Didn't I tell you to wait in the car?" I asked tilting my head.

"I wanted to come see Len-Kun!" She pouts. I smiled. "Is that so?" I asked. I looked over at Shu who sighed closing his eyes. "She was being noisy." He mumbled. I giggled as I looked back at lens grave a sad smile on my face.

"Come here Min." I said walking over to the grave. I bent down as we both looked at the grave. "Why don't you say goodbye for today? Mommy has to get to work." I whispered. She smiled and blew a kiss at the grave. I smiled as I stood back up.

I walked over to Shu who ruffled Mins hair. "Let's get going. You don't want to be late right?" He mumbled. I smiled and nod my head. I had gotten a job as a music teacher while Shu stayed at home with Min. We walked down to the car Min falling asleep in my arms.

Once we all got in the car Shu started it up and looked at me. "Something wrong?" I asked tilting my head. He hummed as he went and kissed my lips just like the first day he did. I smiled and kissed him back. Once he pulled away he smirked and started driving.

I smiled as I closed my eyes.

"I love you Shizu. You and Min."

"Heh. I love you both as well."


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