Chapter 9 - Flirting

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Why would Shae flirt with me and not tell me he has a girlfriend? He flirted with everyone! I was so pissed off, even though it was for the tiniest thing but we were nearing best friends and he hadn't told me! My phone vibrated on my bed for the tenth time, Shae's name flashing on the screen and I hung up. It added another missed call onto the list of 9 missed calls from Shae, making it ten. And no longer than a minute later, I got the third text from him.

Hey. What's up baby? Why aren't you answering???? Is something wrong? Should I come over? I'm really worried, Cal! Xxx

From: Shae

Sighing, I finally decided to answer, feeling a small pang of guilt. It wasn't exactly a big deal and I would have to face him at school tomorrow anyway. He obviously wasn't getting the jist of it. Why won't he tell me?

Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?? You flirt with everybody, including me, and you have a f*cking girlfriend!!! You have no idea how angry I am!!

From: Callie

Almost immediately, I got another text.

What??? I don't have a gf! Who told you this bullshit?

From: Shae

Was he just trying to really piss me off or does he actually think I'm stupid?

The monster itself told me! Your girlfriend, Mia

From: Callie

She is not my gf! We broke up a few months ago! What is that bitch talking about?!

From: Shae

Oh. My thumbs hovered the keypad on my phone as I thought about what to put. This was embarrassing. I should have known, it's Mia for god's sake! She lies to no end!

Oh. Sorry. I didn't know. I should have known she was lying. I'm really sorry, Shae. Xxx

From: Callie

It's okay, babe :) can I come over? Xxx

From: Shae

No -_- mom wouldn't let me anyway. Xxx

From: Callie

Well, I'll use the window again ;) Xxx

From: Shae

I sighed. That boy was unbelievable!

Is that a yes? Xxx

From: Shae

I sighed again before quickly typing an answer.

I guess Xxx

From: Callie

I sat on my bed, playing with Snowy, my first and favourite stuffed toy; a small, off-white fuzzy polar bear. He used to be so white that if you'd lose him in the snow, you'd spend the next few days searching for him. But since I had him since I was a 3 year old, he got covered in crayons, chocolate, my moms nail polish and the fur on his head was shorter than the rest from when I was 5 and wanted to play hairdressers so cut it off with a pair of scissors. I laughed at the memory. He had small, barely noticable patches of colour; blue and purple to be precise, covering his back, red nail polish stains on his feet from the time I dressed up and tried painting his non-existant nails, and chocolate on his face from the time I tried to feed him chocolate. I hugged him against my chest, remembering the day I got him. My dad won it at a fairground for me. I was almost in tears because I wanted it so badly, so my dad finally gave in and played the game to win him. That was before my dad turned into a monster.

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