Chocolate Pt. 1

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"AHHHHHH! Let go of me!"

Another night of screaming. I take in a sharp intake of breath as my eyes flutter open. His room being located in the centre of this damned asylum doesn't help any of us patients go to sleep.

"Why doesn't he just shut up already?" I whisper to myself as I run my hands through my dirty blonde locks. This patient that seemed to have been moved into solitary confinement since day one has become a mystery to the rest of us. Firstly we don't know his real name, we were only told a nickname, 'J-Hope'. What kind of irony is that anyways? He doesn't give off hope at all instead he induces even more despair in me. If that was possible since I was literally locked in a plain white room for most of my days.

"Park Jimin. It is time for dinner, sweetie." One of the nice nurses had the unfortunate job of taking me out. I got out, following her flowing white lab coat. 'This place never seems to run out of white' I note.

The innocence of the colour is put there to mock us, to remind us that we are not as pure as our walls, our bed, our tables and now the doctors.

I ran up to the girl, my blood slightly boiling and slammed my hands beside her figure. Trapping her between my forced embrace.

Her dull brown eyes widened in shock. "Wh-What do you think you're-" What a boring voice.

I delicately pulled her chin my way, decreasing the distance between our faces. I smirked as she slightly quivered under my touch, "Miss. Nurse, I don't feel like food right now. In fact I'd rather eat something else." I said, glancing down at her lips.

"P-Park-ssi..." She gasped.

My face hardened, and my somewhat flirty, amused nature turned into a cold one. I could see in her eyes that she was very confused at my sudden change. "Say my name again." I commanded.

"Park-ssi...?" She said even more confused.

"Louder." My grip on her arms tightened. I felt her pulse through her wrist and it was going as fast as a freight train.

"Park-ssi!" She yelled out of exasperation.


Then there was silence. I stood there frozen in place staring her down. All of a sudden I let her go and started laughing. The echoes of my laugh that was more like a scoff shook my rib cage.

"Ahahaha Miss. Nurse you're so funny. You do know under regulations you could've just politely asked me to get off and I'd have to get off of you." My laugh still echoing down the hallway. Some other patients even laughed in response.

My face then hardened again, the creases my smile made on my face visibly ironed out.

"Now never disturb me again Miss. Nurse. Dr. Kim knows I only answer to him."

I walked away leaving her to slide down the wall in embarrassment and shock. Her hands covered her face.

'Dr. Kim needs to stop playing games. He knows I only want to see him.' I pouted as I returned back into my room.


I sat there, staring blankly at the clock on the wall. Tick tock. Tick tock. Our life is dictated by such an disgusting sound. The slim black hands of the clock move, indicating how much longer we have to live.

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