Piano Keys Pt. 1

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(My full story will be on Wattpad but I'll probably post each part on here anyways. My wattpad's @hobis_forehead also I posted the first part already but not on the fanfic tag lol)

Glass smashed together, shards flying everywhere. Tires screeched, the suffocating smell of rubber burning chokes me awake.

"Jungkook? Are you okay? You were screaming 'Yoongi-hyung' in your sleep." Abra came in, rubbing my back reassuringly.

"Noona...the guy, 'Yoongi', he was...the car..." I mumbled through the words, the graphic images flashed through my mind.

"Sh...its okay, Jungkookie. Abra is here for you..." She took me into her arms and hugged me. I held onto her arms, breathing in her scent. I mumbled into her shoulder, "Do you think these nightmares will ever stop, Abra?"

"It won't..."


"...be easy..." Her ruby red eyes stared into mine. Her smile was sympathetic.

"That's okay, I'll try harder to forget him and this stupid dream."

She exaggeratedly coughed at my statement. It made me uneasy but she said, "So how's that painting of yours? What did you call it again? Demian?" Abra asked.

"Noona...it's Suga. You'd think you would remember it since you named it. You even said that it reminded of a guy named like that."

"Hahaha sorry, I have bad memory. Speaking of bad memory, has the painting introduced any new memories?"

I shook my head sadly, my eyes glued to the floorboard. "No...everything is so...fuzzy...and lately I've been having really bad migraines. As if someone's been running over my head over and over again." I said listing out my symptoms.

"Is that bad, Noona?"

"No, just take some painkillers, the migraines should subside. And the remembering thing ain't a surprise. It usually takes this long. Also don't call me Noona. I'm younger than you by a month!" She exclaimed pointing at me accusingly.

"Hehehe you just act like an ahjumma all the time so sometimes I forget." I scratch the back of my head, laughing nervously.

"Yah!" She jokingly hit me in my shoulder.

"Abra...that hurt so much." I clutched onto my shoulder jokingly.

"Whatever, breakfast is ready. Pancakes, strawberries and sugar. Then you should keep working on that painting of yours. Oh did I mention, you got a letter today. It's on the table." She ushered me out of the room and into the dining room.

I sat down on the table and took a forkful of warm sugary goodness. I didn't notice until now but I was freezing. My chest felt warm with nostalgia as I ate down all four of the pancakes.

As I munched on the last pieces of pancake I spotted the beige coloured envelope on the table. I picked it up and ripped it open in one swift movement. There inside was a small piece of canvas paper and...piano keys? Old worn out piano keys, that were kind of coffee coloured in age.

My fingers felt the smooth pieces of plastic. I then picked up the piece of paper. It had a sketch of a sparrow.

I looked at it intently. "What is this?" I asked no one. The more I looked at it the more it seemed it was alive. The wings moved slightly, the feathers swayed to the left.

All of a sudden the head of the bird turned to me, with its red eyes and I blacked out.

I sat up, this time I was in my bed again. "Did Abra move me here when I fainted?"

I looked around but all I could see was the darkness. No one was around, and the remains of my house was engulfed in shadows.

I got off the bed hesitantly and there on the floorboards was another piece of canvas paper.

I bent down and got it. All my thoughts were racing, where am I? Why do I feel like this is all wrong?

I turned the photo around and there was a man. He looked very similar to the man in the portrait I've been working on.

"Yoongi-hyung..." My thumb caressed the eye of the picture. The eye had a splotch of blood red on it. It gave off a very eerie feeling.

"Close your eyes."

"W-What?" Someone was talking to me, but I couldn't bring myself to turn around.

"Close. Your. Eyes." I immediately shut my eyes in fear. Who was this entity and why was I so scared of him?

I felt large hands wrap around my face and covered my eyes. He turned me slightly and just as quickly as he came he disappeared.

I opened my eyes and gasped at the sight.

It was my painting. It's deep, dark, sullen eyes stared into mine. "Yoongi. Stop." I spoke softly.


"Yoongi! Stop!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. A mint coloured haired man was thrashing about, wrecking everything he saw. He was like a tornado.

"Shut the fuck up!" The man covered his ears to block me out. "He's gone, Kookie...he's gone..."

I ran up to him before he could break another thing and hugged him.

"It's okay hyung. It's okay." I tried to assure him, to calm him down. It usually worked. But all he did was push me away.

"Get the fuck off me!"

He then picked up the chair and threw it at a mirror. The shatter of the glass made my heart sink.

-Flashback end-

The painting...it was on fire now. Fire...it's so warm. I feel so cold. Just a little closer. I reached my hand out to the canvas. My body was physically drawn in by the heat.

I didn't know but a hand was slowly inching towards me. It grabbed my shoulder and forced me to turn around.

"Jungkook? Are you crazy?!" Abra looked at me with concern.

"W-What?" I uttered out, still in a daze. She pulled me by my sleeve away from the curb of the busy road.

"You were just going to walk onto the road. What are you trying to do, kill yourself?!" She slapped me.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I-I" I broke down crying. Her worried expression immediately softened and she hugged me.

My tears soaked through her shirt but she didn't care. "Jungkook-ah. Don't cry...I was so worried that you were going to die. But now you're safe. That's all that matters." She pulled me into the car and drove me back home. I cried for the rest of the day.

She held onto my hand the whole time, never leaving my side. "It will be okay. You'll remember. You'll get to see him soon." She chanted like a mantra.

"Remember what? See who?" I wanted to ask this but I was so emotionally exhausted that I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.


Omo the 7th film got me crying. Jin's beautiful voice is so...and also everything makes sense now..kinda. I just want to put a disclaimer that this fanfic has nothing to do with the actual plot line of the films nor is it apart of my theory. I just write.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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