Chapter 13

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Skyler's P.O.V *4 days later*

Todays the day when cam and I had decided we wanted to get the dogs, we were getting them in the afternoon because I wanted to have everything set up so when the dogs come home they have their own dog house. I jumped out of bed and had a quick shower and got into a pair of Nike leggings, cams hoodie and my fluoro pink Nike roshes. When I got out I saw cam was still sleeping so I decided to make some breakfast for the both of us.

I cooked everything on the BBQ just to save time and have less washing to do. Once I finished cam was still asleep so I left all of the stuff in the BBQ so I could drive down to Starbucks and dunkin' donuts. When I got to Starbucks I ordered cam a caramel latte and I got a triple choc chip frappe. When I got to dunkin' donuts I got 2 caramel glazed donuts and 2 vanilla glazed donuts.

I arrived home and cam was slowly waking up so I quickly jogged outside and grabbed the bacon and eggs and put them in the kitchen and then I grabbed our drinks and set them down. I quickly ran up the stairs falling over once or twice but that was cool lol. When I got up to our room cam had his back to the door so I ran up to him and rolled him over so he was on his back and sat on his chest and smiled down at him.

"Morning babe" he said in his sexy morning voice

"Morning to you to get up now please I have a surprise for you well not really a surprise but come on. Come with me." I said while slowly dragging him out of bed. When we got down he smiled and picked me up and I started laughing because he was spinning me around, when he put me down I raced to my seat and sat down and grabbed 3 pieces of bacon and 2 eggs.

When we were finished breakfast I still had some of my frappe left so I grabbed it and ran to the car and jumped in waiting for cam, (he got dressed as well he wasn't wearing his pyjamas) we arrived at the dog place where we wanted to get our dogs from and grabbed the ones we liked and asked them if they could hold onto them for 2 hours and a half because we had to do some shopping, they smiled and we paid them the money and ran back into the car going to Kmart.

When we arrived at Kmart we walked to the pet section and got

Dog coats

Dog kennels

Dog treats

Dog toys

Dog bowls

And dog food

I checked the time and noticed we had 1 hour left so we decided to just do some shopping. I set an alarm and went to a lingerie shop and cam being cam decided to come with me and pick out the 'sexy' ones that he liked. I ended up buying 3 set of underwear and 4 bras cam had to choose 2 of them because he decided to chuck a tantrum while we were standing in the middle of the shop. I checked the time again and noticed we were only in here for 20 minutes so we went to McDonalds and got a frozen drink. After we got our drinks we went to the apple store and upgraded my phone because I was sick of just having the 6 I've had it for a while now so I got the 6s plus in rose gold.

"Cam its sooo pretty I love it I'm glad I upgraded" I said excitement filling my voice

"Yeh I told you the 6 plus was better now let's go find a case jump on" he said bending down I jumped in his back and we were off to find a phone case for me. I kept my 6 to use as like an IPod for music and an emergency phone so it still has my old plan on it and I got a new plan for the new phone.

We were currently looking for a phone case and I couldn't choose I had 8 so far that I liked but I couldn't choose one was a clear case with a gold design and that one came in silver, pink, purple and blue so those are in my pile, the other one was white with a blue anchor and blue stripes, another one was white with a pineapple printed on it and the other one was a picture of the beach and the sun was setting. I decided to get all of them and when I looked at the time we had 20 minutes left so we just went window shopping until I came to a shop that had all these skater shoes so I made a sharp turn and quickly walked into the shop looking at all the shoes and some of the matching shoes that they have in women's and men's so I grab Cameron

"What's your shoe size, isn't it 11?" I asked excitement filling my voice because they were having a sale so everything was half priced.

Cameron's P.O.V

"Yeh my shoe size is 11, what's your shoe size then?" I know what she's doing so why not do that same and buy a cute pair of matching shoes

"it's a 9 in ladies a 7 in men's" she says as she slowly walks off but runs back and kisses my cheek

"I will see you in 5 minutes ok?" she says as she kisses my cheek again and walks off. So I decided to take this chance to quickly find a pair of shoes that we will both like and get them and I hope she doesn't notice so I start looking around and find a pair of white adidas with black strips down the side and the logo is gold so I get those and notice she still hasn't left that one spot she was standing in so I put the shoes in another bag so she won't suspect anything. I smiled to myself in victory. Once she is finished in the shop I grab her hand and go to a frozen yogurt place. We get what we want and her alarm goes off we walk to the car and get in this time Skyler is driving because she is a better driver than me and I like holding her thigh when she drives because I know she likes it when I do that.

We get back to the dog place and pick up the dogs Skyler named her dog Winston and I named my dog jaxx. We got home and set everything up for them. I went on the laptop in the study to book a trip to Fiji for Skyler and I because why not have a vacation. I booked the plane tickets and I booked the hotel and I decided we are staying for 2 weeks and we are going to have so much fun.

Skyler's P.O.V

I watched as cam walked into the study probably to film a video I'm not quite sure but I just played with Winston and jaxx had went up with him too so it was just me and Winston so I decided to make some dinner because when we got home it was 5 I didn't realize we were out for that long even though the dog place was a 2 hour drive and because Cameron didn't pee before we left we had to make a pit stop on the way. I decided to cook my famous spaghetti bolognaise and cook up some garlic bread. It didn't take me long so I called jaxx and Winston and they came running in like a herd of elephants because they could hear the dog food bag being shaken.

I feed the dogs and called cam but there was no answer so I walked up to the study and saw that he had fallen asleep on the floor next to jaxx's bed it was too cute so I took a picture and posted it up on twitter and captioned it with

'My baby fell asleep snuggled up with the dog until I had to feed the dogs... woops love ya bub'

I smiled and gently woke him up

"Cam, cam, god damn it cam dinners ready." And within a second he was up.

We walked downstairs and had dinner after dinner we let the dogs in and cuddled while the dogs went to bed. We watched a movie and we got tired so we turned the movie off and went to bed. I made sure all the doors were locked and then had a shower when I got out I wore one of cams shirts and the underwear cam bought me because why not lol. I walked out of the bathroom and the bedroom light was on and cam was on his phone so I crept over and sat on his chest slowly kissing his lips until his hands started roaming my body when that happened I quickly hopped off of him and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth, cam walked in later and he did not look happy with me at all. I smiled and walked out I could feel his eyes burning into my bum so I swayed my hips a little and I heard him groan. I jumped into bed and soon after I felt the bed sink and cams muscular cam wrap around my waist and one hand holding my bum.

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