Chapter 69

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Skyler's P.O.V

I was woken up by Zoey shaking me telling me that she was hungry and that she wanted to get ready for today. I climbed out of Cameron's grip and walked into the kitchen "ok darling what did you want for breakfast" I said opening the cereal cupboard "can I please have some lucky charms" she said as I grabbed them "Yeh sure can you please grab out two bowls for me and I will grab the milk" I said opening the fridge "here you go" she said handing me the bowls "thank you" I said picking her up and sitting her on the bench "ok tell me when to stop" I said pouring the cereal into the bowl "ok stop" she said as I finished pouring I added the milk and gave her a spoon and she ate "ok after my breakfast I'm going to have a shower and then get dressed in the outfit that we bought yesterday and then you can get changed then we can wake everyone up ok." I said as I wash finishing up my breakfast. "I will be back" I said getting up and putting her on a seat so she didn't fall off. I ran upstairs and had a shower and then loosely curled my hair and then got dressed and put on foundation, filled in my eyebrows, added eyeliner and some mascara.

When I was ready I walked and sat down on the bed and watched as the baby kicked and I put my shoes on. I skipped downstairs and Zoey walked into her room and I grabbed her outfit and she got changed in her outfit "did you want to choose a perfume to wear?" I asked her and she ran up to my room and I chased her, "I'm gonna get you" I said laughing and picking her up and spinning her around. She laughed and I ran into the room and placed her on the bench. She choose one and I put it on her and on myself "ok now let's go and wake mahogany, Cameron and Taylor up" I said and we ran downstairs we woke the people who needed to be woke up and just decided to wake everyone else up because they had a lot to do. I made sure the dogs were outside on the deck and then walked back inside "ok who's ready to go?" I asked as everyone walked out "Yeh we are ready" Cameron said standing next to me "ok I'm going to drive Zoey choose a car to take please" I said walking into the garage "can we go in your car please so I can watch TV" she said opening the car door really carefully "ok hop in I will buckle you in or did you want Cameron too?" I asked as she sat down "you please because you are my favourite" she said giggling "ok here are your headphones so we can listen to music and you can watch your TV show" I said giving her the remote and earphones she plugged in her earphones and I walked over to the front seat. I sat down and Cameron placed his hand on my thigh and I smiled and turned the car on. I backed out of the driveway and turned the music up humming to the song "god why can't people learn how to drive" I muttered under my breath but I think Cameron heard because he laughed and squeezed my thigh. I took a side street and drove past all the traffic. 

When we arrived at a warehouse we all hopped out of the car and I grabbed Zoey and she climbed onto my back. "ok let's go and find the plants and decorations for the cubby house and Cameron and Taylor can get the wood and nails and screws." I said to mahogany "boys you get nails, screws and wood and we will get the other stuff and I might get some things for like the backyard for the baby." I called out and they nodded and walked off "ok lox what do we get." I said grabbing a trolley and putting Zoey into the trolley. "ok we should get the hanging plants" lox said walking over to the hanging plant area "ok lets get this one, and this one and this one" lox said putting the hanging plants in the trolley "ok we need to get a spider swing" I said walking over to where the swings were and grabbing the spider swing "ok now let's get battery powered lights and stuff for the floor, paint, pillows and chairs" I said pushing the trolley around. I get a call from Cameron

Phone conversation;

M- Hey babe how's it going

Cam- Yeh good. How much wood do we need?

Me- um a lot because this has to be big enough to fit the whole magcon group in it and Nash and Hayes, oh and Louise and jasmine are coming over in what like 3 days.

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