Lashton [extra update]

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*** It's another Lashton chapter! This one is also not very relevant for the general story line, though it involves Ashton's thoughts about the whole situation Larry has going on. And Lashton fluff, of course. I cannot go a single chapter without fluff. Sue me ((or don't, if you like fluff)). Here we gooo.***

In my dreams – Lashton [extra update]

“Lukey, do you think I worry too much about Harry? I mean, he’s a grown man after all”, Ashton asks, looking up at his boyfriend (boyfriend!!! Luke asked him yesterday and of course, Ashton said yes).

"I don't know, Ash. That's up to you to decide. He's been your best friend longer than I've been your boyfriend."

"I'm scared that one day, you'll make me choose", Ashton mumbles.

Luke chuckles softly. "Of course not. That would be very unfair of me, making you choose between your best friend and your boyfriend. Actually, I'd slap you upside the head if you chose me."

Ashton laughs. "You probably would", he agrees. "Shall we watch a film?"

"Depends. What kind of films do you have?" He looks up just in time to see Luke turn bright red. "Lukey...?"

"Mostly Disney or Marvel but I swear they're all my little cousin's!" Ashton just looks at him, unimpressed. "Fine, they're all mine. Happy?"

"Very", Ashton grins. "I like Disney too. Do you have Tangled?"

Luke looks offended. "Of course I have Tangled! What kind of guy would I be if I didn't?!"

"A strange one", Ashton says and Luke nods in agreement, gently shoving Ashton off him and getting up. "Don't go", Ashton whines, making grabby hands at the younger boy.

"I have to put the DVD in the DVD-player, babe." Ashton pouts but waits for Luke to return to the couch, albeit a bit impatiently. "Patience, Ash, patience", Luke says when he walks into the kitchen and catches the grumpy expression on his boyfriend's face.

"I have no patience", Ashton complains.

"You know, I'd be back sooner if you'd help me", Luke suggests. In no time, Ashton joins him in the kitchen and grabs them two beers. "I guess I'll make the popcorn then."

Together, it doesn't take long for them to get all the food into the living room. They curl up together on the couch and Luke presses play. With the first song, Luke hums along softly but once 'I see the light' comes on, they're belting out the lyrics together (Ashton does Rapunzel's part and Luke does Flynn's part). When the film ends, they watch Brave. And Epic. And Rise of the Guardians.

Halfway through Rise of the Guardians, Ashton falls asleep on Luke’s shoulder and Luke has to wake him up. “Ashy, babe, if you fall asleep like this your neck hurts in the morning.” Ashton grunts something unintelligible and Luke chuckles softly. “Come on, baby.”

“Only if you carry me to bed”, Ashton murmurs sleepily.

“I’ll carry you, but you have to get off me first because I have to turn off the television”, Luke says.

Ashton clumsily slaps a hand over Luke’s mouth. “Too loud”, he mumbles. Luke manoeuvres Ashton off him, switches off the TV and puts the dishes in the sink. “Lukey”, Ashton whines sleepily from the couch.

“What is it, babe?”

“I’m cold. You’re a human furnace.”

Luke picks him up in his arms (which is pretty impressive, seeing as Ashton has a lot of muscles and Luke barely has any) and manages to carry him upstairs, trying to put him down gently but failing. Ashton only grunts and pulls Luke down with him. “If you don’t brush your teeth now, your mouth will taste like something died in it in the morning”, Luke warns.

In my dreams - Larry Stylinson [AU]Where stories live. Discover now