Chapter VII

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Chapter 7

The next day dragged, and double French didn't help much. I regretted taaking it as an A Level.

Lucy and I had made a mutual agreement to not tell anybody about the boys. Our friends weren't big fans of the Wanted anyway, and they didn't care that much.

Friday went even slower, and I was feeling nervous. People from Birmingham were tweeting that they were excited for that night. I thought of nothing but the boys for the whole night.

I still couldn't believe they'd invited us back; they barely knew us.

I almost had a panic attack when I realised that I could have dreamt it all. I actually had to call Lucy at 2am on Saturday to make sure that it was real.

She wasn't panicking like I was, she was calm. Which was odd, especially since she was the one most likely to fangirl out of the both of us.

I woke up at 11am on Saturday, after having a dream about horses chasing me into Tescos.

Shaking off the tiredness, I then worried about clothes.

12pm saw me half naked, panicking in my room, clothes strewn everywhere, trying to decide on what shirt to wear.

Lucy arrived just as I threw on my TW t-shirt over my shorts. I threw on some concealer over my new spot (which just happened to be on my chin, thank you teenage hormones) and joined her in the kitchen, where she was munching on some of my mum's home-made brownies.

"Idea!" She said, spitting crumbs everywhere.

"You want to take some of these for Siva?" I asked. She nodded, eyes wide, beaming. "... Okay." I said, smiling.

I eyed her outfit. She was wearing the same shirt as me.

"So now we're twins?" I asked, gesturing to our shirts.

"No, You're wearing shorts and I'm wearing jeans!" She exclaimed.

"Luce, you have crumbs all round your mouth." I said, handing her some tissue. She panicked and scrubbed at her mouth. I laughed and knocked back a glass of water.

"I'm so nervous." I murmered as I noticed the glass shaking slightly in my hands.

"Me too." Lucy whispered. We stared at each other.

A voice made us jump.

"Gemma, it's nearly 1, did you want a lift?" It was my dad. My parents had freaked when I said I wanted to go back to The Wanted's house, but when I explained that they weren't strangers, they were famous, and that meant that they had security things which meant their house was safer than even our house, they reconsidered. It took 18 hours, but they agreed as long as I texted them.

Lucy's parents hadn't grounded her, miraculously, due to the fact that they had gone out to dinner and had gotten back at 10, and Lucy lied and said she'd got back at 5:30.

"Could you take us now, then?" I asked, glancing at my battered old converse on the stairs.

"Course, sweets." My dad beamed at me, grabbing the car keys from the counter. I grabbed my bag and shoes, and led the way to the car.

Lucy and I sat in the back, in silence.

I put my shoes on as we drove.

My dad pulled up round the corner from the house. He smiled at me as I got out and thanked him for the lift. I caught my reflection in the glass of the car door as I shut it. I looked tired out.

"I look shattered!" I moaned as my dad drove away from us.

"I got 9 hours sleep, thanks to you." Lucy moaned back at me.

"Not my fault, you could have rejected my call."

"I thought you might have been dying!"

"Still no excuse." I said, smirking. She hit me playfully as we reached the oh-so-familiar gates.

"Do you think Jayne would let us in?" I whispered.

"No." Lucy replied, quietly.

We approached the door.

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