1. TomBoy/Odd Child

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I still wear my brother's old swimming trunks! They're comfy, what else can I say?! From about the age of 4, you could clearly see I wasn't the average girl who played with Barbies's and dressed up in those pink Disney princess dresses, OH NO! I was the girl who told my parents that I wanted to quit ballet, so I could start football and the girl who started reception with a WWE wrestling tattoo of John Cener on her chest - that of which I took great pleasure in showing everybody - despite my parents best efforts to get it off!

I have a vivid memory of being in year 2 and having to design a mini windmill type of thing for an annual occurrence of 'Enterprise Day'. So, everybody set out drawing quite pleasant things on their square of paper provided, meanwhile I had other 'IMAGINATIVE' ideas. I thought it would be a great idea to draw a man climbing out of a dustbin surrounded by wasps and dog crap! How wonderful! It went up for sale with all the others and each windmill got bought one by one by one. But of course mine didn't get sold .... It came down to my mom and my teacher at the time ( Mrs *** - one of the best teachers I've had ) offering to buy this abstract - shall we call it - piece of art. Of course in their eyes it was a masterpiece! In the end Mrs *** bought it. I was a 'special child'. Or I am in some people's eyes .......

Another memory ( although I'm not quite sure it fits in to the chapter title - I should rename the chapter to 'rude child' for this extract ) is of me gladly swearing whilst having photos taken in ******* somewhere! We had gone on a family trip to the a fond area on my dad's side called ******* , and we went on a beach - where I also tried to drive my uncle's car? - but whilst being on this beach we were having photos taken with my cousin - ****** . I, being my little 6 year old self thought it would be a great idea to stick my middle finger up at the camera ( where I got it from I DO NOT KNOW! To this day my brother still finds it hilarious and finds many ways to show me that emotion!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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