Linear Regressions

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I thought back to a time before the world went to complete shit. Before children were tragically torn from their parents arms by things that were only known to people in cheesy horror flicks and T.V dramas. Before the dead walked and the living ran around the earth; searching for food. I thought of these things as I sat on top of a tipped over DART bus in the middle of a street. How could this have happened so fast?

I mean only a month ago I was sitting in an algebra class whining about how I couldn’t understand what a linear regression was and now here I am fighting off hoards of zombies with four other teenage girls who have no earthly idea what the hell happened to the world. Honestly I would rather be doing linear regressions than fighting hoards of zombies, but what are you gonna do right?

You see the thing about Linear Regressions is that they actually have answers whereas, here we are stuck on the biggest problem in the world and it seems there is no solution to this one.

All this thinking about Linear Regressions got me thinking about the day all of this started.  I was in Algebra class, it was in October, and all I had on my mind was A. The news reports on T.V about all of these cases in which people were eating each other and B, if this would affect my Halloween party the next week. My friend, Morgan tapped my shoulder, “Please tell me this class is almost over.” Just as she finished her sentence the bell rung for lunch. All of the boys hauled out of the classroom and off down the hall where you could hear them running down the stairs and shouting provocative things to girls.

 “I really wish some nice, mature guys would just appear someday.” I said, rolling my eyes at the animals we went to school with.

“That’d be great.” She said, picking up her things off of the desk.”

“Goodbye Mr. Johnson” Morgan and I said simultaneously; His hand spazzed out, causing his coffee to spill all over his keyboard.

“Goodbye girls.” He stuttered.

“Are you ok?” We asked him, running over to look for anything to mop up the mess on his desk.

“I’m fine.” He said shakily. He was most definitely not ok. He hesitantly picked up his cup having to steady his had to do so. There was a white cloth wrapped around his right hand stained almost completely with blood. “Girls, listen to me, lock my door, leave me inside. All of the reports on T.V, that’s what this is.” He said pointing to his wounded hand. “You’ve got to get out of here, now. Hurry, lock my door, and get out of the school, NOW!” He was shaking now, his whole body. Morgan was on the verge of tears. And me? I had to take charge and keep my cool.

“Thank you, Mr. Johnson.” We both said, we gave him a hug, a long hug, knowing it would be his last.

“Girls wait, get my phone from my bag, I want to tell my wife I love her.”

“Yes sir.” Morgan said, wiping tears from her face. She ran over to his briefcase, spilling everything out. She grabbed his phone and found his wifes number, being that his hand was shaking to much for him to keep a grip on it, let alone press buttons on it.

“Goodbye.” We both said, locking the door tight behind us. 

“Maddie what are we doing to do? How is this happening?”

“Morgan, listen to me, were going to get out of here safe. I promise.”

“How do you manage to do that huh?” She said in one of the most panicked voices I had ever heard.

“Listen, you know me, hopefully all of those Sunday nights watching The Walking Dead will pay off.”

“I love you, Maddie.”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2013 ⏰

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