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hello! before i start the story, i would just like to say that i'll warn you everytime something that might be "triggering" happens with a * next to the chapter. i hope you guys enjoy!


Eight teenagers sat inside of their cabin on a warm summer afternoon. Two were upstairs, and the rest were sitting on a couch in the living room, bored.

"I want to do something, I'm bored..." A boy with blond hair and a lip ring said, head in his hands. That boy was Luke Hemmings.

"Oh, I know what to do!" Another boy with tanned skin and black hair responded. That boy was Calum, and he was the most wild person you'd ever meet. He was up for anything, and that's what people admired most about him. The other 4 people turned towards him, all curious to see what he had in mind.

"So, do you know how Rena has a crush on you, Michael?" Michael noded. Rena was the youngest of the cabin, and she also was a major flirt.

Michael nodded. "Yeah?" Michael was the most outspoken one of the group, always joking around. His bright red hair and eyebrow piercing made him stand out from the others, along with his punk sense of style.

"I think we should plan a prank on her. So, you write a letter asking her out, considering she asks out everyone but never gets asked out so she'll see what
it feels like, and see what she does when you call her up to your room. What do you think? Completely harmless!" The group nodded.

"Yeah, and we could hide under the beds and see what happens!" Nia, Rena's sister, exclaimed. Nia had jet black hair chopped just past her shoulders, and a smile that could light up a room. She was quiet, but she was also liked throughout the camp for helping so many people get around.

"Well, let's get started!" Ashton exclaimed. Ashton was the most bubbly of the group with a school girl laugh and a love for music. He had a clothing style similar to his three friends, Michael, Calum, and Luke, and brown hair that swept across some of his face.

An hour later, everything was set up. Luke, Calum, Ashton, Michael, Nia, Casey, and Hayley were all in Michael's room. Casey, Nia and Rena's brother, was under the bed with Hayley and Luke, who were extra touchy considering they were dating. Calum, and Ashton were in the closet, and Michael was sitting on his bed.

Downstairs, a note written by Michael was on the counter that read,

"Dear Rena,

ever since we met, i've wanted to say this but i was too shy to ever ask; do you want to go out with me? If the answer is a yes, come up to my room and we can 'get ready.'

XOXO, Michael. "

"Okay, so now I'll call her saying there's a note on the table for her. I think she went to the dining hall to get her jacket." Nia said, picking up her phone.

It rang for a few seconds and then a voice was heard on the other line.

"Um, hey, what's up?" Rena asked through the phone.

"Uh, there's a note with your name on it on the counter so, when you come back read it I guess," Nia said, a smile plastered on her face but her tone serious.

"Okay, be there in 5."


Rena opened the door to the cabin and placed her bag down on the table, sighing. It was so hot outside today, so hot the camp instructors made them stay inside all day instead of doing activities like they usually did.

After placing her bag down, Rena rushed over to the counter and picked up the note.

"Dear Rena,

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