chapter 1

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she was 4 years old when she started to listening to them   her fave song was as long as you love me    she bought  all the tapes the cds watched  their  videos  when she was seven she   had a crush  on one of them it was nick carter  her name was...

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she was 4 years old when she started to listening to them   her fave song was as long as you love me    she bought  all the tapes the cds watched  their  videos  when she was seven she   had a crush  on one of them it was nick carter  her name was natalie she lived with her mother  louise  her five sisters  vivanne Lindsay celestia Roxanna and Kendra  and younger brother Rodney Lindsay had a crush on brian littrell  natalie and Lindsay  shared  a room   they got along    really great  one day natalie   went to school with a backstreet boys picture in her folder   some of  the kids laughed and teased at her they thinked she was crazy  for liking them   every nighr shed go to her room and wished and prayed  that maybe theyd come to  her hometown   shed  kissed her picture of nick carter right before shed go to bed  and Lindsay would smile at her  their mother came in from tucking in Rodney celestia  Roxanna  vivanne and Kendra  and  she  looked at    natalie and smiled at her little girl    and  told her to not give up  on her  dreams

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