chapter 4

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as the y went home the girls   went downstairs to watch victorious  they were  tired from work and college when they heard  the doobell rang '' ill get it '' said Kendra Kendra opened the door to find brian  littrell  on the front door with nick c...

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as the y went home the girls   went downstairs to watch victorious  they were  tired from work and college when they heard  the doobell rang '' ill get it '' said Kendra Kendra opened the door to find brian  littrell  on the front door with nick carrter and Howie d '' may we come in  '' said Howie  ''  yes of course '' ' said Kendra   '' Lindsay natalie youre boyfriends are here '' she said  natalie came in with a dr pepper in her hand  ''OMG  NICK'' ' she said spilling her dr pepper mistakingly  he smiled  at her she glanced towards him and sighed  they asked them if they  had tickets to see them in concert  they shook their heads no they offered them tickets and backstage passes they accepted  a few  nights later natalie s best friends madeleine and penny  came over for a sleepover  they told her that she was so lucky to have gotten tickets and backstage passesto see them  she thanked them for their support   her sister celestia didn't know they  came to see them she had a crush on aj  but he wasn't there she wanted those tickets she  entered a contest  but then Shaina the mean girl  overheared  she  diecied to come up with a plan she spread a rumor  that the tickets were sold out but she saw Shaina and walked up and punched her  in the face

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