CHAPTER 3 cont.

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After a hard days work, the guards came in with clothes and scanty food to feed them with, they hungrily ate while Amina covered her face with her hands lost in thoughts. Asher glances over at her 'my princess, you should eat' 'no Asher, I am not hungry' 'then I will not eat, if my princess refuses to eat' Amina puts her hand down and looks at him 'it's a command Asher, eat! Asher sighs and moves closer to her 'i will my princess, but you cannot carry on this way, you have to eat to have strength, we do not want to risk loosing you my princess' 'as the gods live, if it is his desire that I live, then I will live, but if it is his desire that I die....then' 'the gods forbid my princess' Asher replies and Amina shook her head in lamentation 'there was a time all the people used to sing and bow at his throne 'long live the King, long live the king' she said vividly as she remembered her father in all his glory and Asher sighed 'and still we still say 'long live the princess, long live princess Amina' Asher says and the rest of the people follow chanting, 'long live the princess Amina' Amina looks across the room at the faces of her people and stands on her feet 'of what use am I to you? Seeing the great people of Awilla kingdom have now become slaves serving under the law of Alexander Harold, and are we to be used as tools to build his kingdom? I'm afraid I am no gain to you all, so I'd rather you be loyal to your new masters' she said shaking her head bitterly 'nay but we have chosen to stand only by princess Amina until she brings us the freedom that we crave' all the people chant in one voice and Asher stands to his feet beside Amina 'your people remain loyal princess Amina, the great, the chosen one, we do not fear, we only hope for a future with you and freedom to serve under your leading' Amina looked at them with tears in her eyes and nods 'and freedom we will get! 'yes! and freedom we will get! 'and freedom we will get! The people say chanting and clapping. Some guards rush into the room quickly 'and would you all shut up and sleep, else I put a charge against you to the king that you plot against him' 'down all of you, sleep! The guards say shouting at them.

Alexander the second hears a knock on his door and he pulls himself up to a sitting position, pulling the sheets off him 'come in' he says and Gad enters 'good day my prince' 'good day, sit' he says gesturing to a sit. Gad obliged and Alexander makes to stand on his feet but opts to sitting instead when his legs hurt 'arrrgh' 'you should ask for extra help my prince' Gad says with concern 'i do not need an aide to stand in wait for me every second like I am lame or something Gad' 'i know you are strong my prince and that is why we need you to recover quickly' 'and you don't think the nurse is doing a good job about that already? he argues on and Gad shrugged 'well yes she is my Lord, but I strongly suggest that you attach yourself with a helper to help move things around and make things easier for you' 'OK Gad' Alexander says dismissively 'you can busy yourself with finding the perfect helper for me then' 'of course my lord, in fact there are a new set of slaves that were given to us by the slave lord, Clitus which he used to clear off his debt with your father' 'hmmm that old debtor, he finally paid all? 'yes my lord, indeed in cash and kind' Alexander nods and shifts himself further into the bed leaning his back on it 'alright, tell me Gad, any news on Jordan and how many soldiers in all were injured?' the prince asks and Gad lets out a sigh of relief 'my lord, I think we have scared them off for some good amount of time, I can surely bet that it will take them a while to recover from it' 'that's good' Alexander says with a smile 'yes my lord and ten of our soldiers were badly injured but are currently been taken care of by the nurse and their families have been compensated just as the king promised' 'hmm, that's good, I can't wait to get back on my feet and resume training again' 'of course my lord, but i suggest that you take a break, you need a distraction' Gad says teasingly and Alex laughs 'i'm serious my lord, what about your betrothed? I think another visit from her will be a welcoming idea, don't you think so my lord?' Gad asked with a grin 'well maybe not right now but sure she would be a good distraction' Alexander admits with a smile.

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