Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"That is a massive joint" I commented, pulling the joint of weed from Selson's party box. Corey looked at it and boomed a laugh. We had been drinking for the better part of an hour, and we weren't ready to slow down any.

"Only your brother could have rolled a joint like that" he cackled, shaking his head as he smiled with drunken glee. I held it out to him, but he shook his head. "Nah, I've given all that shit up. Alcohol is the only vice I have now".

"Apart from sex?"

"Of course" he grinned brightly, sending me a wink. "What else is in your brother's secret box?" he asked. He tried to grab for it, but I grabbed it and pulled it away from him. He yelped as he drunkenly wobbled and fell to the floor next to the bed where I was sat. I laughed, and he pulled me off the bed next to him. I yelped in shock, as my ass hit the floor next to him.

"You're a dick" I yelled, punching his shoulder. Corey boomed out a laugh, as he placed the tequila bottle in front of my lips. I opened my mouth and he poured some in. When my mouth was full I pushed him away from me – some of the tequila spilling before he could right himself. I cringed as I swallowed the alcohol, and Corey laughed at me.

He filled his own mouth, cringing as well, before we opened Selson's box again. I admired the joint once more, I pulled the lighter from the box and lit it. I took a long drag, and coughed loudly. "God I have not gotten high since I was like fifteen" I laughed. I offered it to Corey cheekily.

He sighed and took it. "You're a bad influence on me, Jefferies". He took a long drag of the joint, leaning back as he rested his head against the edge of the bed.

"We should go outside and smoke this. The smoke alarms in this house are ridiculously sensitive" I commented. Corey agreed, handing the joint back to me. He scooped up the alcohol, as I grabbed Selson's party box, before we headed outside. We took a seat on the bench on my back porch.

"You think we'll see that Mountain Lion again?" Corey asked excitedly, as we passed the joint between us.

"Probably not, he was taking his meal back to his young" I commented, exhaling smoke into the dark air. I could feel the tequila and weed numbing my brain, and it felt amazing. Parker Owen was forgotten. The break in was forgotten. Everything was forgotten, and I could be Alora Jefferies once more. I was carefree and fun – two things that Parker had taken from me. And I was determined to get it back.

Once we finished the joint, and I flicked the smoking butt away, Corey and I turned to each other. Leaning into me, Corey cupped my cheeks. I giggled as I moved closer to him. "God you are so fucking beautiful" he observed. I giggled again as I looked into his beautiful dark eyes.

Cupping his cheek, he angled my face up to his. His lips brushed over mine – giving me a tiny little taste of what was to come. Instantly my heart thumped, as Corey went in for the real kiss. I threw my hands around his neck, as kissed him back with force.

His tongue slipped into my mouth, tasting my lips first, before plunging into my mouth. My hands slipped up his neck, and threaded into his dark hair, as we made out. One of his hands cupped my cheek, the other wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer.

When we pulled away, we both giggled like children, as I rested my forehead against his. Corey kissed me once more, before lifting me up and sitting me over his lap. I giggled, as I sat sideways over his lap, and rested my head in the curve of his neck as his hands teased my legs below my shorts.

"Pass the box, Fields, and let's see what else we got in here" I grinned. Corey laughed and handed me the box as he took another swing of tequila. "Arriba" I giggled as he coughed in disgust. He pecked my lips before handing the bottle of me. I took a large gulp, before turning my attention to the box.

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