PROLOGUE || The Ice Queen ||

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Dedicated to _SilentUkht_ for being the first to comment :) [Yes, I am happy]

Song : Bad Things - Machine Gun Kelly ft Camilla Cabello

They stood in the corner, bodies flush against each other and hips grinding to the music that played in the classroom. "We'll. Get. Caught." The girl said in between kisses, her tone showing anything but worry.

The guy smiled against her lip, "You can't be that scared of suspension, are you?"

The girl giggled. "A bad boy, I like it."

I sat on the teacher's desk yawning.

The couple stopped, gasping for air and heads lay against each other's'. The guy looked up, flashing a seductive smile at me, eyes still hungry for more but all I could think of was the stack of novels that had arrived to my dorm just yesterday and waiting to be read.

"Care for a threesome? There's plenty of room in my bed tonight babe."

The girl chuckled, her body shaking at the thought of another night.

I rolled my eyes, hitting the stop button on the phone and tossed it on the table, stalking gracefully towards the exit. "I get it Josh, you're the biggest player in Valentine already, no need to involve me."

Josh laughed, pushing the girl aside and grabbing his phone from the table before falling in step with me. "Biggest player, sure. There's only one person I haven't conquered though. The all and mighty wall, the beautiful Ice Queen, the one and only April Rose."

I sighed, giving Josh a sidelong look at his disheveled hair and unbuttoned uniform.

I wanted to puke.

"If you're suggesting I hook up with you, my answer for the 256th time, is still no."

Josh cut my path, arms crossed and mouth in a pout that somehow suited his rugged beauty. A muscle in his arm twitched as he purposefully flexed his arm.

Before he had a chance to speak, Ms Devon's shrill voice rang loud in the empty hallway. "Joshua Peters! April Rose! May I ask exactly what you two are doing in this ungodly hour?"

Josh jumped, muttering silent curses along the lines of "The damned Devil just had to jump in. Stupid bitc—" all the while turning around to quickly adjust his hair and his uniform.

She reached us in a matter of seconds, her glare prominent as it was terrifying. "Ms Rose, explain this situation immediately!" there was a muted warning in her voice, one all students playing the game familiarized with all too well.

I flashed her a sweet smile, pulling my shoulders back and straightening my uniform to display the badge 'SC President' clearly. "Nothing Ms. Devi—Devon, I just came back from finishing paper works in the student council office."

"And Peters?" Ms. Devon didn't hide the hate in her voice when she spoke of his name. I couldn't blame her. For being the biggest player in the game, he was also the record holder for never getting caught during his 'expedition'.

Josh flashed a toothy grin, pulling out his badge that displayed the words debossed in gold: SC Vice-President.

"Fine," the woman huffed, disappointed. "Go to your rooms at once. You don't want to be late for classes tomorrow. I heard some students muttering about 'The Big Game'. Any thoughts on that, April?"

Oh you have no idea.

"It's the announcement for the biggest game of the season," Josh interrupted, his grin not even faltering at the lie. "Of course the students are excited."

Ms. Devon shrugged, giving us one final warning before walking away.

"Biggest game of the season?" I scoffed as she was finally out of earshot.

His grin grew wider, his eyes twinkling in excitement. "The hunt soon begins, April. Let's see if someone manages to thaw your heart this year."

I laughed in his face, sashaying away to the girls' dormitory and making sure he got a glimpse of my trademark 'Vixen' smile.

Game on.

A/N: Updates may be slow cause I'm trying not to procrastinate on studying

P.S. What did you think of the prologue? Do you guys like the cover?

P.P.S. I know I haven't finished my other works but, YOLO right?

P.P.P.S. Dont forget the VOTE button! 

Lovess, Audrey

Lovess, Audrey

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