Eat me

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After more than an hour and a half of talking to and drinking with Ann and her much older brother,Mike,I was more then drunk one to many beers,taquila shots and hard alcohol. Our conversation drifted from small things like favorite drinks to favorite animals when I heard a comment bubble out of the old mans mouth

"So how old are you kid?"
"I'm...i-" I began counting on my fingers my drunk in state slightly disorienting me before I stopped and grinned playfully
"I'm 21 what about you?"
"Me? I'm 56"
I chocked on my drink 5-56?! Holy shit that's old what the hell!
"56 isn't that old"
I look at him in surprise
"You were talking out loud anyway 56  isn't that old I still have some spark in me if you catch my drift." He said looking at me and winking. I blush and turn my head before taking two more shots of some odd alcohol concoction that I made in the heat of me wanting a little more liquid courage in my system.

"Yea haha" I said messing with the hem of my shirt. Looking up at Ann she gave me a dirty smirk before standing and grabbing my arm and tugging me away.
"Well be back!"she yelled before she rushed me inside and into the bathroom
"What was that all about?"
"Can't you tell,he likes you...a lot. Be careful though he's bipolar and it gets bad sometimes he can go from kind to aggressive in a heart beat. I'm just warning you okay" nodding my head we head back to the mini bar it the backyard. Noticing he wasnt there we looked around. Telling Ann that I'll be back I headed upstairs had checked some of the room stopping at the last door I swung it open only to see him laying there his arms placed behind his head his pants undone and shirt off. His happy trail was a light grayish brown,he had scars and tattoos on his arms and chest. Stepping forward a bit I began to speak before being cut off.

"Did Ann send you? If so get out" I said without opening his eyes.
"No I came up here myself,what are you doing any way?" I said stepping a bit closer,he opened his eyes and looked at me
"Clearly I'm laying down" he said with an anger expression. Letting out a huge I fold my arms and glair at him.
"There is no need to be freaking rude"
"Oh just shut up and drop the act... I know who you are and don't act like you don't know who I am,after all your the one who came onto me on that site"
Freazing I look at him unsure
"W-what are you talking about?"
" your face is your profile picture so stop acting stupid"
"I do t have to put up with these shitty lies, goodbye Mike"I said turning on my heals.

"Your gonna sit you sweet little ass down. Hell I'll pay you if you want"
I spun back around and glaired at him annoyed with his 'false'accusations and rude additude. Walking up to him I let out a small disgusted snort. Here I though her was nice but all he was,was a dick.
"Hello are you in there?...Fuck it"
I felt myself fly forward into his arms and was yanked onto his lap so I was straddling him.

"Your to fast you need to calm down dude,cause I'm not doing anything with you"
"To hell you are and I don't care if I need...need to..." He sighed and shoved me off his lap.
"Your an asshole"
"Yea I know a bipolar asshole now please just leave..."
"Nah I'm good"
I said shoving my face into a pillow on the bed
"You cute so I don't care much now..." I said frowning I shouldn't have gotten mad, I mean Ann warned me that he was bipolar and the he could switch so quickly. The fact that he knew who I was on that website was terrifing I thought I had kept that part away from my normal life but I guess I was wrong very very wrong.

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